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INSECTS SyrphiDj?: {continued) Chrysotoxum festivum, Linn. Gurst/ing (Theobald), Ti/gcite (J. & G.H.V.) — bicinctum, Linn. St. Leonards, Guest- ling (H. List) ; Jbbots JFood (G.H. v.), Laughton (J.) Callicera asnea, F. Guest/ing, once (E.N.B., E.M.M. XXV. 238) CONOPID^ Conops vesicularis, Linn. Tilgate Forest, once (J.) — quadrifasciata, Deg. Hastings (E.N.B.), woods near Lcxves (U.) — flavipes, Linn. Guest/ing (E.N.B.), Lewes, Abbots IVood, Bridge {GMN .) Physocephala rufipes, F. Guest/ing (H. List), woods near Lewes (U.) Oncomyia atra, F. Guest/ing, rare (H. List) — pusilla, Mg. Lewes (G.H.V.), Guest/ing (E.N.B.) Sicus ferrugineus, Linn. Guest/ing, Hast- ings (H. List) ; Jbbots JFood (G.H.V.) Myopa buccata, Linn. Guest/ing{E.^.B.), Laug/iton (J.), Bognor (G.) — testacea, Linn. P/ashiet, C/iidding/y (G.H.V.), Lewes (J.) — polystigma, Rnd. Guest/ing (E.N.B.), Hastings (W. Esam) CESTRID^ Gastrophilus equi, F. Guest/ing (E.N.B.), Lewes (J.) — nasalis, Linn. Fir/e (U.) Hypoderma lineatum, Vill. S^ Leonards (specimen in British Museum) CEstrus ovis, Linn. Guest/ing (H. List), Batt/e (J.) ; rare TACHINIDiS: Exorista fimbriata, Mg. Near Hastings (H. List) — notabilis, Mg. Bognor (G.) — perturbans, Ztt. Hastings (H. List) — jucunda, Mg. Ew/mrst (W. Esam) Epicampocera succincta, Mg. Guest/ing (H. List) — ambulans, Mg. Abbots Wood (G.H.V.) Blepharidea vulgaris. Fin. Guest/ing (H. List), Eastbourne (C. Morley) Myxexorista macrops, B. & B. Ho//ington (W. Esam), Abbots Wood (G.H.V.) Phorocera serriventris, Rnd. Near Hast- ings (H. List) — cilipeda, Rnd. Near Hastings (H. List), Bognor (G.) — pumicata, Mg. Guest/ing (H. List) Bothria assimilis. Fin. „ „ — csesifrons, Mcq. Near Hastings (H. List) Blepharipoda ? atropivora, Rnd. Hastings district Tachinid^t (continued) Chastolyga amxna, Mg. Guest/ing (H. List) Tachina larvarum, Linn. „ „ Gonia fasciata, Mg. Hastings district — divisa, Mg. Eastbourne (W. Esam) Thelymorpha vertiginosa, Fin. Guest/ing (E.N.B.) Monochaeta leucophsa, Mg. Guest/ing (H. List) Aporomyia dubia, Fin. Guest/ing, Pett (E.N.B.) Somolia rebaptizata, Rnd. Pevensey (L. B. Hall) Mintho przceps. Scop. Bognor (G.) Melanota volvulus, F. Guest/ing (H. List) Macquartia tenebricosa, Mg. „ „ Ptilops chalybeata, Mg. „ „ Anthracomyia nana, Mg. Hastings district (E.N.B.) — anthracina, Mg. Guest/ing, Hastings district (E.N.B.) Degeeria ornata, Mg. Guest/ing (Meade), Po/egate (C. Morley) Thelaira leucozona, Pz. Guest/ing (H. List) Demoticus plebeius, Fin. Near Hastings (W. Esam) Olivieria lateralis, F. Generally common Micropalpusvulpinus, Fin. Is/ie/d{G.ii.'V.), Hastings district Erigone radicum, F. Guest/ing (H. List) — vagans, Mg. Hastings district, Ew- hiurst Echinomyia grossa, Linn. Abbots Wood (J.), near Lewes (Unwin) — fera, Linn. Not uncommon Fabricia ferox, Linn. Lewes (J.), Bognor . .(G-) . Servillia lurida, F. Guest/ing, rare (H. List) — ursina, Mg. Guest/ing (H. List) Plagia ruralis. Fin. Bex/oi// (H. List) Anachastopsis ocypterina, Ztt. Guest/ing (E.N.B.), Ore (E. A. Butler) Phorichaeta lugens, Mg. Hastings district — carbonaria, Pz. Litt/eloampton (E. Saunders) — tricincta, Rnd. Hastings district Rasselia antiqua. Fin. „ „ Thryptocera pilipennis, M5. Guest/ing (E.N.B.) — crassicornis, Mg. Guest/ing (H. List) — bicolor, Mg. „ „ — minutissima, Ztt. „ „ Siphona geniculata, Deg. G««///«^ (E.N.B.), Lewes (Unwin), Bognor (G.) Gymnosoma rotundatum, Linn. Abbots Wood (J.), Guest/ing, very rare (E.N.B.) ; very rare in England Cercomyia curvicauda. Fin. Guest/ing (E.N.B.)