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INSECTS west is now all that remains of the once abundant Hemipteron. Simi- larly Salda littoralis seems to have been exterminated altogether from the same neighbourhood, as the marsh in which it occurred has been drained and converted into pleasure gardens. The locality referred to as Camber consists of the waste land at the mouth of the river Rother, and especially the sandhills on its eastern border. As these latter are now a favourite resort of golfers, insects are scarcer than formerly. Of the Homoptera, 156 species are recorded, belonging to the sections Cicadina and Psyllina. This represents over 47 per cent of the British species of these groups, a proportion which is perhaps as large as was to be expected, considering that the records are mainly the work of two collectors. Some of these species are amongst our most abundant insects, and only one is at present recorded from no other county. This is Limotettix stactogala, which was discovered in 1901 by Mr. H. L. F. Guermonprez on tamarisk bushes at Pagham, and which I have since found in abundance in the Hastings district. The solitary bush of Hippophae rhammides on the Camber sandhills, which was the only re- corded locality in the county for Psylla hippophaes, has been removed and with it of course the insect has disappeared. GYRINOCERATA Pentatomid^ Eurygaster, Lap. — maura, Linn. DaUington Forest (Butler) Podops, Lap. — inuncta, Fab. Guest/ing, Fairlight, Hastings, Bcxhill (Butler) ; Holm Bush (Wollaston), Bognor (Guer- monprez), Worthing (Saunders) Sehirus, Am. S. — dubius, Scop. Eartham (Guermon- — biguttatus, Linn. Guest ling. Battle, Hurst Green (Butler) Gnathoconus, Fieb. — albomarginatus, Fab. Guestling, Hast- ings, Bexhill (Butler) ; Avis ford (Guermonprez) ^lia, Fab. — acuminata, Linn. Camber (Bennett), Guestling {^oxty Hastings (Cham- pion), Slindon (Guermonprez) Neottiglossa, Curt. — inflexa, Wolff. Hastings (Collett), Battle, DaUington Forest (Butler) Peribalus, M. & R. — vernalis, Wolff. Slindon (Guermonprez) Pentatoma, Oliv. — baccarum, Linn. Camber, Hastings, Hollington (Butler) ; Slindon (Guer- monprez) — prasina, Linn. Guestling, Hastings, Hollington, Battle, Eastbourne, Laugh- ton (Butler) ; Slindon (Guermonprez) Pentatomid.e {continued) Strachia, Hahn. — festiva, Linn. Battle, Netherficld, Ash- bur nham, DaUington Forest (Butler) — oleracea, Linn. Near Hastings (Ben- nett) Piezodorus, Fieb. — lituratus. Fab. Hastings, Battle, Hurst Green, DaUington Forest (Butler) ; Slindon, Selsea (Guermonprez) Tropicoris, Hahn. — rufipes, Linn. Hastings, Battle (Butler) ; Slindon, Bognor (Guermonprez) Picromerus, Am. S. — bidens, Linn. Battle, Netherfield, Dal- lington Forest (Butler) ; Handcross (Newbery) Asopus, Burm. — punctatus, Linn. Hastings (Collett), Eastbourne (Butler), Holm Bush (Fenn) Podisus, H.S. — luridus. Fab. Battle (Butler), Slindon Bognor, Goodmood (Guermonprez) Zicrona, Am. S. — C^rulea, Linn. Battle, Netherfield, DaUington Forest, Frant (Butler) ; IVorthing, Goodwood (Guermonprez) Acanthosoma, Curt. — hzmorrhoidale, Linn. Hastings, Battle (Butler) ; Burpham, Slindon, Eartham, Bognor (Guermonprez) — dentatum, De G. Guest Ung (Bloom- field), Hastings, DaUington Fore-t (Butler) ; 5//;j/t'i7if (Guermonprez)