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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX 5. Black Bream. Cantharus /ineatus, Thomp- son. This species is probably commoner off the Sussex coast than anywhere else in the British Isles. 6. Common Sea Bream. Pagellus ceiitrodontus, Delaroche. This bream is also very common off the Sussex coast. The young, which the fisher- men call 'chad,' form a very favourite bait for other fish. 7. Red Mullet. Mullus harhatus, Linn. This species is numerous on the Sussex coast, particularly towards the west. The local fishermen adhere to the existence of two species, the striped and the plain. 8. Striped Wrass. Labrus mixtus, Linn. 9. Ballan Wrass. Labrus maculatm, Bloch. 10. Connor or Gilt-head. Crenilabrus mekps, Linn.

  • II. Miller's Thumb. Cottus gohio, Linn.

12. Sea Scorpion. Cottus scorpius, Linn. 13. Father-lasher. Cottus hubalis, Linn. 14. Four-horned Cottus. Cottus quadricornis, Linn. 15. Grey Gurnard. Trigia gurnardus, hinn. The gurnards are as a rule called ' gur- nets ' by the fisher folk in Sussex. 16. Red Gurnard. Trig/a cuculus, Linn. 17. Sapphirine Gurnard. Trigia hirundo, Linn. 18. Pogge. Agonus cataphractus^ Linn. 19. Lump Sucker. Cyclopterus /umpus, Linn. This species is not common though speci- mens are occasionally obtained. 20. Sea Snail. Liparis vulgaris, Flem. 21. Diminutive Sea Snail. Liparis montagui, Donovan. 22. Rock Goby. Gohius niger, Linn. 23. Spotted Goby. Gohius minutus, Linn. 24. Paganellus. Gohius paganellus, Gmel. 25. John Dory. Zeus faber, Linn. 26. Boar Fish. Capros aper, Lacep. [Pilot Fish. Naucrates ductor, Cuv. et Val. Several specimens of this fish, said to have been caught off the Sussex coast, have been shown at the Brighton Aquarium during the past ten years. It is however possible that the fishermen obtained them from a greater distance.] 27. Scad. Caranx trachurus, Linn. 28. Mackerel. Scomber scomirus, Linn. The mackerel caught off the Sussex coast are uniformly small in comparison with those from the North Sea and the Atlantic. 29. Great Weever. Trachinus draco, Linn. 30. Lesser Weever. Trachinus vipera, Cuv. 31. Dragonet. Callionymus lyra, Linn. The female of this fish is sometimes called the ' dusky skulpin,' or fox. 32. Angler Fish. Lophius piscatorius, Umn. Though by no means common, specimens of this fish are sometimes caught by the fisher- men and carried round different watering places on a barrow for show. I have twice had photographs sent to me from seaside towns in Sussex, asking me to identify the fish. 33. Shanny. Blennius pholis, Linn. 34. Gattorugine. Blennius gaitorugine, Bl. 35. Gunnel or Butter Fish. ' Centronellus gunnellus, Linn. ANACANTHINI 36. Cod. Gadus nwrrhua, Linn. 37. Whiting. Gadus merlangus, Linn. 38. Pout or Whiting Pout. Gadus luscus, Linn. 39. Pollack. Gadus pollachius, Linn. 40. Poor Cod. Gadus minutus, Linn. 41. Hake. Merluccius vulgaris, Fleming. 42. Five-bearded Rockling. Motella mustela, Linn. 43. Three-bearded Rockling. Motella tri- cirrata, Bl. 44. Turbot. Rhombus maximus, Linn. 45. Brill. Rhombus lavis, Linn. 46. Common Topknot. Zeugopterus punctatus, Bloch. 47. Plaice. Pleuronectes pliitessa, Liinn. 48. Dab. Pleuronectes limanda, Linn. 49. Lemon Dab. Pleuronectes microcephalus, Donovan. 268