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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS In BuRGELSTALTONF. [ '] Ulfi" held 1 virgate ; he was a free man. There Walter has 2 villeins with i plough. Then and afterwards, as (et) now, (it was worth) 5 shil- lings. In Dene [(? West) Dean] Goda held half a hide. There Walter has on the demesne 2 ploughs with 3 cottars. Then and after- wards (it was worth) 10 shillings ; now 20 shillings. In Alsitone [Alciston]^ the abbey ot Wilton held i virgate. There Walter has 3 villeins with 2 ploughs. EssEWELUE [Shoyswell] Hundred has never PAID {reddidit) Geld In Henhert [Henhurst] Hundred Reinbert holds of the count Salhert [Sale- hurst]. Countess Goda held it. Then, as (et) now, it was assessed for half a hide. There is land for 4 ploughs. On the demesne is I (plough), and 7 villeins and 8 cottars with 6 ploughs. There (is) a church and i6 acres of meadow. In the time of King Edward it was worth 20 shillings, now 30 shillings. It was laid waste (vastatum), Alvric holds of the count Drisnesel [ *]. A certain free man. Cane, held it, and then, as (et) now, it was assessed for 3^ hides and I virgate.^ There is land for 8 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 (ploughs), and 18 villeins and 6 cottars have 12 ploughs. There (are) 10 acres of meadow, and wood- (land yielding) 20 swine. In the time of King Edward it was worth 3 pounds, now 4 pounds. It was laid waste (vastatum). William holds of the count half a hide in this hundred. Leveva held it in the time of King Edward, and then, as (et) now, it was assessed for half a hide. There is land ." On the demesne is I plough, and 6 acres of meadow, and wood(land yielding) 6 swine. In the time of King Edward, as (et) now, it was worth 20 shillings, when received 10 shillings.

  • S.D.B. suggests Burghill in Chiddingly. It is

not mentioned in the Count of Mortain's r.ipe, but was probably included in Ulfon's manor of Ratton (see note 10, p. 411). 2 S.D.B. reads Ulsi. ^ At Shoyswell (sec note I, p. 402), which was held by the Scotneys, descendants of Walter. < Not identified. ^ Et pro una virga inserted in margin. « A blank. Reinbert holds of the count I hide in this hundred. A certain free man. Cane, held it, but it has not paid geld. There (arc) now 8 villeins (and) 3 cottars with 6 ploughs. Then, as (et) now, (it was worth) 30 shillings. It was laid waste (vast[at(i]). In this hundred Norman held half a hide ; he was a free man. It has never paid geld. There Reinbert has I plough with i cottar, and (there is) I mill yielding (de) 2 shillings, and 3 acres of meadow, and wood(land yielding) 1 pig. Then, as (et) now, it was worth 20 shillings. In this hundred Azor, a free man, held I virgate, but it did not pay geld. There Rein- bert has I plough on the demesne with I villein. There (are) 10 acres of meadow. Then, as (et) now, (it was worth) 10 shillings, when received 5 shillings. In BuRNE [Eastbourne] King Edward held I hide. It has never paid geld. There Rein- bert has 4 villeins with 3 ploughs. Then and afterwards, as (et) now, (it was worth) 20 shillings. In Berewice [Berwick^] King Edward held half a hide. It has never paid geld. There Reinbert has I villein and 4 cottars with I plough, and a mill yielding (de) 10 shillings, and 1 1 acres of meadow, and wood- (land yielding) 6 swine, and 2 fisheries yield- ing (de) 6 pence. In the time of King Edward it was worth 30 shillings and afterwards 10 shillings; now 35 shillings. In Borne [Eastbourne^] King Edward held half a hide. It has never paid geld. There Reinbert has on the demesne 3 ploughs with 5 cottars, and (there is) i fishery. There is land for 2 ploughs. In the time of King Edward it was worth 20 shillings and after- wards 10 shillings ; now 45 shillings. In the same hundred is half a hide and i virgate and a half. There is land for 3 ploughs. This land in the time of King Edward belonged to (pertinuit) 3 manors, ' Bei-wick is not mentioned in the Count of Mortain's rape, but as it was lield by King Edward it was possibly included in the royal manor of Bcddingham or that of Eastbourne. From the mention of a mill and two fisheries this land would seem to have been on the Rother. 8 There is a Bourne farm in Salehurst ; it is on a branch of the Rother, -nhich may be the fishery mentioned. 403