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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX land for 8 ploughs. On the demesne is I (plough), (and there are) 9 villeins with 3 ploughs. There (is) I mill yielding {de) 2 shillings, and 3 bordars. In the time of King Edward it was worth 60 shillings ; now 40 shillings. The same William holds of the count out- side the rape i virgate in Bontegrave [Bunch- grove ']. Goda held it of King Edward as an alod {siciit alodium). It was part of {jacuit ad) Bergemere [Balmer]. It has never paid geld. There is land for half a plough. It is and was worth 2 shillings. There is 1 villein. The count himself holds Sifelle [Sheffield^]. Godwin held it of King Edward as an alod {in alodium). Then, as {et) now, (it was assessed) for 6 hides. There is land for 1 1 ploughs. On the demesne is i plough, and (there are) 9 villeins and 5 bordars with 7 ploughs. There (is) i mill yielding {de) 40 pence and 500 eels, and 10 acres of meadow. From the wood(land) and pasturage {herhagio) (come) 32 swine. In the time of King Edward it was worth 100 shillings ; now 4 pounds. Ansfrid holds of the count in Flescinge [Fletching] I hide, and for so much it is assessed. Lewin held it as a manor of King Edward. There is land for 3 ploughs. There are 4 villeins and 3 bordars with 2 ploughs. From the wood(land) and pasturage (herhagio) (come) 6 swine, and there is i acre of meadow. In the time of King Edward it was worth 40 shillings ; now 20 shillings. Morin and Hugh hold Flescinges [Fletch- ing] of the count. Cano held it of King Edward. Then, as {et) now, it was assessed for 2 hides. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne is i plough, and (there are) 1 1 villeins and 5 bordars with 4 plougiis. There (are) 6 acres of meadow, and from the wood(land) (come) 30 swine. In the time of King Edward it was worth 4 pounds ; now 50 shillings. Gilbert holds of the count outside the rape half a hide at Bercheha(m) [Barcombe].^ Carlo held it of King Edward. It has never paid geld. There is land for I plough, and there (the plough) is, with 3 villeins. It was worth 7 shillings ; now 9 shillings. « In Horsted. ' In Fletching. 3 This and the next item were part of Bar- combe manor (see note 6, p. 442) and probably lay at Barkham in Fletching. Warner holds of the count in Bercheha(m) [Barcombe] 3 virgates,* and for so much they are assessed. Earl Godwin held them of King Edward as a manor as an alod {sicut alodium). There is landfor 3 ploughs. On the demesne is I plough, and (there are) 4 villeins and 5 bordars with 2 ploughs. There are 6 acres of meadow. From the wood(land) and pas- turage {herhagio) (come) 9 swine. In the time of King Edward and afterwards, as {et) now, (this) was worth 20 shillings. Alan holds of the count i virgate in Ode [ ].° It is outside the rape. It be- longed to Newminster ® {ad Ncumonasterium jacuit), and has never paid geld. Elmaer held it as a manor of King Edward. There is land for i plough and a half. On the de- mesne is I (plough), and (there are) 2 villeins and 2 bordars with half a plough. In the time of King Edward it was worth 15 shil- lings ; now 10 shillings. In Reredfelle [Rotherfield] Hundred The count himself holds 2 hides which Alward and Ulward held of King Edward as 2 manors. There is land for 6 ploughs. Of this land Ansfrid holds I hide of the count, Humfrey I virgate, William l virgate and i ferdinc, and a certain Englishman i virgate. On the demesne are 45 ploughs, and (there are) 6 villeins and 8 bordars with 6 ploughs. There (is) i serf, and i mill yielding {de) 30 pence. In the time of King Edward (this) was worth 30 shillings ; now 73 shil- lings. The count himself holds Mesewelle [Maresfield]. Godwin held it. Then, as {et) now, (it was assessed) for 4 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs, and there they are, with 4 villeins and 5 bordars. On the demesne is I plough. From the wood(land) (come) 30 swine. In the time of King Edward it was worth 4 pounds ; now 40 shillings. Of this estate {terra) William de Warene holds 3 virgates of land and i mill.

  • As there were 3, hides of Barcombe manor

in this rape ' virgates ' should probably read 'hides,' especially as there is land for 3 ploughs. 6 Not identified. S.D.B. reads Inode, as one word ; but its suggestion of Inwood in Mayfield is untenable. 6 The abbey of Hyde. In the Hundred Roll of 1278 John Peverel held a ' borough ' in Riston Hundred ' of the fee of Winchester,' which may be this estate ; in which case it is probably the manor of Tarring-Pcverel in Fletching.