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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX In the time of King Edward it was worth 4 pounds, and afterwards 40 shiUings ; now 50 shillings. The same Hugh holds of the earl 3 hides, and Warin (holds them) of him. Three free men held them in the time of King Edward. Then, as [et) now, they were assessed for 3 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the demesne is I plough, and (there are) 5 villeins and 5 cottars with I plough. There (are) 3 acres of meadow. In the time of King Edward, as {et) now, (this) was worth 30 shil- lings ; when received 20 shillings. The same Hugh holds of the earl Eslin- DONE [Slindon]. A certain free man, Azor, held it in the time of King Edward. Then, as {et) now, it was assessed for 8 hides. There is land for 8 ploughs. On the demesne is I plough and a half, and (there are) 23 villeins and 12 cottars with 7 ploughs. There (is) a church. In the time of King Edward it was worth 20 pounds, and afterwards, as (et) now, 16 pounds. The same Hugh holds of the earl 8 hides. .' Nine free men held them in the time of King Edward. Then they were assessed for 8 hides ; now (for) i virgate less, which the earl holds and (which) does not pay geld.^ There is land for 4 ploughs, and (there are) 16 villeins with 5 ploughs. There (are) 8 acres of meadow. In the time of King Edward and after- wards, as (et) now, (this) was worth 3 pounds. Morin holds of the earl Borha(m) [ ^]. A free man held it in the time of King Edward. Then, as {et) now, it was assessed for i virgate. There (are) 2 virgates.* There are 5 ploughing oxen with i cottar. In the time of King Edward, as {et) now, it was worth 20 shillings ; when received 10 shillings. In the same Hundred William holds of the earl 3 hides, and for so much they are as- sessed. Two free men held them in the time of King Edward. There is land for 3 ploughs. On the demesne is i (plough) and ' A space left for the name of the manor in which these hides are. 2 Ei n{on) geld{at) interlined. 3 Not identified. S.D.B. suggests Barnham, or Barham ; but where the latter place may be I can- not ascertain.

  • Ibl due v'lrge interlined.

a half, and (there are) 5 villeins and 5 cottars and 2 serfs with 2 ploughs. In the time ot King Edward, as {et) now, it was worth 4 pounds ; when received 3 pounds. Azo^ holds of the earl Offha(m) [Offham in South Stoke]. Alwin a free man held it in the time of King Edward. Then, as {et) now, it was assessed for 4 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the demesne is I (plough), and (there are) 8 villeins and 5 cottars with 2 ploughs. There (are) 5 serfs, and 48 acres of meadow, and a fishery yielding {de) 2 shillings. Wood(land) yielding {de) 3 swine. The whole in the time of King Edward was worth 7 pounds, and afterwards 6 pounds ; now 4 pounds. There the earl has 2 mills, pasture and the issues {exitum) of the wood(land). (This) is worth 4 pounds and 10 shillings. fo. 25b St. Martin of S(§ez {Sais) holds Gate [Eastergate] in almoigne of the earl. Earl Harold held it. There (are) 3 hides, but then, as {et) now, it was assessed for ^ 2 hides. There is land for 4 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 18 villeins and 10 cottars with 2 ploughs. There (is) a church, and 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land yielding) 5 swine. In the time of King Edward, as {et) now, it was worth 4 pounds ; when received 3 pounds. In this Hundred of Benestede [Avisford] Warin holds of the earl half a hide. Azor a free man held it, and it has never paid geld. There is land for i plough, and there (the plough) is, with 2 villeins. It is and was worth 30 shillings. Gondran holds of the earl in the same place I hide, and for so much it was assessed, then as now {umper). Herulf held it of Earl Godwin. There is land for i plough, and there (the plough) is on the demesne, with i villein and 4 cottars, and 2 acres of meadow, and wood(land yielding), 3 swine. Then as now {semper) (it was worth) 20 shillings. In the same Hundred Acard holds of the earl 2^ hides. They were assessed for 2 hides all but {minus) half a virgate then, as {et) now. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the demesne 6 Aseius gave the tithe of OfFham to the abbey of Troarn {Cal. of Don. in France, 167). « Se dej{en)d{ebant) interlined. 432