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INDEX TO DOMESDAY Godfrey, bishop of Chichester. See Chichester Godfrey the clerk, 416a Godfrey the priest, 41 1 a Godo, a free man, 406a Godric, 442a Godwin, 370, 398a, 4io<!, 410*, 413J, 414a, 414*, 418/), 420a, 420*, 42 1 A, 426/>, 446A Godwin, Goduin, Earl, 360, 363, 369. 37o> 372. 373. 374. 3*^7'2> 387*, 394a, 395A, 404^-405*, 406A, 411a, 41 lA, 412A, 413a, 414A, 418a, 420Z), 421^-423^, 42512, 42612, 426A, 427a, 429^, 43oi, 432i, 433a, 433^-, 437a, 437^, 438(2, 439*, 440a, 4403, 441A, 442i, 444A, 445A, 446a, 447*, 448a, 449<2, 449*, 450^, noUs, 370, 404a Godwin, a free man, 402a, 406a, 430a, 431a, 431*, 433a, 434a, 434* Godwin the priest, 374, 393a, 440*, 441* Golduin, 371, 398a Golvin, 411* Gondran, 432^ Gondrede, 430a Gort. See Guerd Goze, 438a Gozelin, 410*, 411a, 41 1*, 443a Grene, 448* Grento, 415* nephew of, 414* Grestain, abbey of, 376 abbot of, 409*, 412*, 413a Grinnosa villa, William de, 378 Gueda, Guda, Countess, 368, 441*, 446*, note 356. See also Gida, Goda Guerd, Guert, Gort (Gurth), Earl, brother of Earl Harold, 370, 434a, 444*, 446a Guert. See Guerd Gundulf, 413* Gunnild, 447* Gurth, Earl. See Guerd Haia, Robert de, 380 Haiminc, Haminc, 371, 408*, 410a, 411*, 41312, 437* Hamelin [Hamelinus], 378, 425a HameUn, Earl Warren. See Warren Haminc. See Haiminc Harold [Hairaudus, Heraldus], 370, 389*, 392a, 410*, 425a, 440a, 444*, 445 a, 446*, 447a, 447*, note 445a Harold, Earl, 355, 363, 369, 370, 372. 374. 375, 398'^, 398*, 400*, 401*, 402*, 414*, 415a, 417a, 432*, 436a, 448a, 448*, notes 397*, 444* Harundello, Robert de, 379. See also Robert son of Tetbald Hastings, burgesses of, 385, 391*, note 397a Hastings, the collegiate church of, 352, notes, 398*, 405a Hastings, Ingelran de, 381. See also Ingelran Hastings, Robert of, 391* Hay, Roger, 352 Haye, family, 380 Haye, Isabel de la, 380, notes 409*, 411*, 419a Helghi, 415a, 427^ Helghin, 434A Henden de, family, note 414a Henry I., king, 375, 379 Herald, a knight, 374, 390a Herbert, 391a Herbertinges, William de, note 437'^ Hernetoc, 396* Herolf, 391*, 399a Herulf, 432* Hilary, bishop of Chichester. See Chichester Holy Trinity, monastery of the. See Canterbury Hubert, 410a Hugh, 396*, 398a, 399a, 399*, 402*, 404*, 406a, 407*, 408a, 409a, 412*, 417*, 420a, 426*, 431*, 432a, 433a, 436*, 442a, 442*, 443a, note 394*. See also Hugh fitz-Golde Hugh the clerk, 390a Hugh the crossbowman, 397J Hugh fitz-Golde, 435*, 437* Hugh, sheriff of Lewes, 352 Hugh son of Rannulf, Rannulph, 374. 392*. 441* Humphrey [Hunfridus], 418a, 420*, 433a Huscarle, 390* Hyde, Abbey of. See Win- chester Ingelran, 381, 395a, 395*, 396*, 397*, 398*. See also Ingleran Ingleran the sheriff, 381. See also Ingelran Ivo, 421*, 425*, 428*, 431a Joscelin, brother of Qu lais, 379 Ade- Kahannes, Hugh de, note 416J. See also Cahainges Kaisneto. See Chesney Kent, Earl of. See Odo, bishop of Bayeux Ketellus, Esterman. See Ester- man Keynes, William de. See Cahain- ges 543 Knights, 436*, 441J, 442a, 446*, 447". 447*. 448*. 4+9". 449*. 450a. Sec also Ansfrid, Herald, Lovel, Murdac, Nor- man and William Knights Templars, notes 440a, 447* Lefsi, 4o6i Lefsi,brotherofLewine,»(i<^ 414^1 Lemar, 416* Leofwin, Earl. See Lewin Lepsi, 4254 Leukenore, family, note 409* Levenot, Leuenot, 371, 397a, 401a, 418a, 439* Leveva, 403a Levfel, 440a Levret, 405a, 447* Levric, a free man, 405* Leward, 416a Lewes, burgesses of, 352, 382, 383, 435'^ Lewes, priory of St. Pancras, 352, 361, 371, 376, 378, 379, 380, 435*, 436*, notes 364, 414^, 416a, 416*, 421*, 423*, 424*, 425*, 431*, 435*-439*, 441a, 442*, 443a, 446*, 449* clerks of, 376, 410* monks of, 435*, note 364 Lewin, Lewine, 358, 399a, 405*, 414*, 415a, 420a, 424a, 427a, 428a, 429*, 443*, 445a, 446a, 448a, 450* Lewin, Leofwine, Earl, 370, 399*, 441*, 448a, 44S*, 449a Lewin, a free man, 401*, 402a, 404* Lovel, 391a Lovel, a knight, 374, 390a Mabel, Countess, wife of Earl Roger, 376 Malfed, William, 361, note 416* Mailing, South, church of St. Michael, canons of, 376, 388* Mauger [Malgerus], 362, 392* Montague, family, 380, note 408a Monte Acuto, Catherine de, 380 Monte Acuto, vigiles de. See Pevensey Castle, warders of Montegud, portitores de, 385 Montgomery, Roger de. See Shrewsbury, earl of Morin, 384, 409a, 412*, 417*, 420a, 421a, 422*, 425a, 432a. See also Thakeham, Morin of Mortain, Robert, count of, 351, 353. 354. 355. 357. 361, 367, 373. 376. 377. 378, 380, 382, 384, 387*, 388a, 388*, 394*, 406a, 407*-42o*, 435*, 436a, 436*, 437a, 437*, 441a, 442a, 442*, 443*, notes 402a, 403a, 403*, 442*