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INDEX TO DOMESDAY notes 364, 436*, Farringdon (Hants), 374 Felbridge, note 41 8i ' Felesmere.' See Falmer Felpham [Falcheham], 375, i%'^ Falmer [Felesmere (?), Falemere, Glasseye, or Gleseye. ^ee Hamsey [Hame Hammes Sey , 368,376,4i8*,436M3S<M38*. Glossames 357, 3^0 419*, 44^*. «<"" 36S. 30°, 3/,,+ .>,+J '+J -r gi^^^i [Clotingha(m), Glot- 429*. 442* tinges], 424* ' Hanekrugge.' See Hawkrigge 'Glesham.' See Glossames ' Hangetone.' See Hangleton Glossames in Beckley, Glasseye or Hangleton [Hangetone], 439^: Gleseye [Glesham], 371, 4°5^ noto 439a, 447-3 Feringes.' See Ferring and note ' Ferla ' ' Ferle.' See Firle, West ' Glottmges. See Glatting ' FerW ' Ferles.' See Firle, Frog Goldspur [Colespore] Hundred, ' Ferle'ga.' See FairUght 405, ^ote 404* Ferring [Feringes], 390-2, note 365 ' Gorde.' See Worth ' Filleicham.' See Sidlesham Goring [Gannges], 430a, 4453, Filsham [Pilesham, Wilesham], 446-2, 448* 363 369, 381, 395-J, 397*, notes Gostrow [Babinrerode, BabiroteJ ' , '3 Hundred, ob and note Findo'n [Fintune, Findune], 370, Graffham [Grafha(m)] Hundred, 444^, 445-2, notes 445-2, 450-2 423*, note 421* Firle Frog [Ferles, Ferle], 369, Greatham [Greteham, Gret- 37i,376,4i3<2,4i3^437^«'"" ha(m)]; 37°, 4^8*, ««• 4^4 ■^ - ■ See also Grittenham ' Grenestede.' See Grinstead ' Greteham.' See G Grittenham ' Gretham.' See Greatham Grigneuseville (Normandy), 378 Fishbourne [Fiseborne], 370, 376, Grinstead, East, notes lU, 419-2. 26J See also Fairlight Fishergate [Eldretune, Eldri- Grinstead, East [Grenestede], tune] Hundred, 353, 447'^ Hundred, 367, 418^ «"'" 388*, Half Hundred, 439-2 436* ' Flescinges,' ' Flescinge.' See Grinstead, West [Grenestede], Flptrhincr Hundred, 450-2 ^L^., [ Fl.».sel. G„,.e.W„ (, [G,e.eH»]. 36. H-.-.J C.*, « 3*5, »«  FS3"[fl.S|"Fle... GutC[G«<el.„ge,l,65,,„. R.p' i 33,., 33,., 337, 35«, berge] Hundred, 389*, 413-2, 405-2 note^o6a church of, ««^. 405 - • ■ Guestling [Gestehnges, Gheste- linges] Hundred, 391*, 405-2, notes 368, 410-2 406-2, 435* Firle, West [Ferla, Ferle], 361, 376, 385, 400-2, 4oii>, ipzb, 404-2, 404*, 409*, 410*, notes 400*, 411-2, 435*, 436* Fiseborne.' See Fishbourne Haningedune.' See Annington Hankham in Westham [Henc- cha(m)], 385, 417-2 ' Hantone.' See Littlehampton Hardham [Eringeham, Hericde- ha(m)], 379, 431'^ ' Harditone.' See Lordington Harebeating in Hailsham, note '^37" , .„ . ■ . ' Harpetinge,' Harpingedene. See Herpingden Hartfield [Hertvel, Hertcvel], 371, 376, 414* Hartfield [Hertenel, Hertevcl] Hundred, 414A, no(^ 436a atham and Harting [Hertinges], 361, 366, 370, 376, 4" church of, 376 ' Harundel.' See Arundel ' Haseeldene.' See Hazelden ' Haslesse,' ' Haslese.' See Hazel- hurst Hastings [Hastinges], 351, 353, 363, 367, 368, 375, 382, 385. 391A, notes 363, 392-2, 397-2, 397A mint at, 383, note 407* ..votings Castle, 373, 385, 3,, Hastings [Hastinges, Hasting(s)], Flocques (Normandy), 377 ' Fochinges.' See Fulking ' Fochintone.' See Folkington ' Fodilant.' See Footland Folkington [Fochintone], 413-2, note 415* ' Folsalre.' See Foxearle Footland [Fodilant], 407a Foxearle [Folsalre, Foxer] Hun- dred, 396-2, 399* and note ' Foxer.' See Foxearle ' Framelle.' See Framfield Framfield [Framelle] Hundred, 415-2, note 388-2 FrankweU [Francwelle], 359, 371, 396* Friston, note 4110 Fulking [Fochinges], 356, 357, 439^-. See also Peathorne and Perching ' Garinges.' See Goring 'Garnecampo.' See Warning- camp ' Gate.' See Eastergate ' Gestelinges.' See Guestling Hagingworth, note 401-2. See also Etchingworth Hailesaltede.' See Netherfield , 364, 366, 368, 370, 373, 375, 377, 380, 394«, 4o8'2, 408*, 410-2, 410*, 411-2, 411*, 412-2, 412*, 413*, 414-3, 4i7'2, 417*. 418-2, 418A, note 398^ ' Hauochesberie.' See Hawks- borough Hawkrigge in Waldron [Hane- krugge, Hauekrugge], note 413* Hailsham [Hamelesha(m)], 367, Hawksborough [Hauochesberie] Hundred, 357, 368, 400-2, notes 408*, 410-2, 4104, 41 1-2, 412a, 412^,, 414-2, 417-2, 417*, 418a, 435* Hazelden [Haseeldene], 419-2 Hazelhurst in Ticehurst [Has- lesse], 373, 401* ' Hechestone.' See Eckington ' Hectone.' See Heighton Heene [Hene], 371, 477* Hamelesha(m).' See Hailsham Heighton in Beddingham [Hes- Hamesford.' See Dumpford tone], notes 409*>,4io* 380, 41 5*, notes 415*, 437-2. See also Bowley ' Haingurge,' 41 3*, note 401-2 Halcombe in Piddinghoe [Hore- cumbe], note 436-2 ' Halestede.' See Elsted Halnaker [Helnache, Helneche], 379, 433*, 434*, note 433* Honour of, 379 ' Hame.' See Hamsey Ghidentroi."' See Westbourne Hampnett, West [Hentone], 382 Hundred 433* 549 See Henfield and Heighton (South) (?) [Hectone], 406-3, note 41 3* Heighton, South [Estone], 413-2 Hellingly, note 414-3 'Helnache,' 'Helneche.' See Halnaker ' Hendene,' 414a ' Hene.' See Heene ' Ha(m)felde Tipnoak ' Hamfelte.' See Tipnoak ' Hammes-Sey.' See Hamsey Hampnett, East [Antone], 379, 382,433*, mi note