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BOTANY RaNUNCULACEvE Ranunculus fluitans Lam. Helleborus viridis L. Crucifer^ Cochlearia anglica L. C. Danica L. Camelina sativa Crantz. Lepidium Draba L. L. latifolium Br. Nasturtium amphibium Br. 1 satis tine tori a L. Carvophyllace^ Dianthus prolifer L. Silene conica L. Arenaria tenuifolia L. Stellaria aquatica Sco/>. HyPERICACEvE Hypericum montanum L. Leguminos^ Melilotus parviflora Lam. M. alba Lam. Astragalus glycyphyllus L. Lathyrus sylvestris L. RoSACE^E Geum rivale L. G. intermedium E6r. Umbellifer^ Bupleurum tenuissimum L. CEn.mthe pimpinelloides L. Daucus carota v. maritinius L. Gall. RuBIACE^ Rubia peregrina L. DlPSACE^ Dipsacus pilosus L. Composite Petasites vulgaris Desf. Inula Helenium L. I. crithmoides L. Lactuca virosa L. Hieracium maculatum Sm. Campanulace^ Campanula patula L. C. rapunculoides L. C. rapunculus L. ERICACEi* Pyrola minor L. SCROPHULARIACE-E Verbasum Lychnitis L. Orobanchace-e Lathraea squamosa L. Trilliace^ Paris quadrifolia L. LlLIACE^ Ornithogalum pyrennicum L. JUNCACE^ Juncus *acutus L. Luzula albida Naiadace^ Zannichellia brachystemon 'J . Gay Alismace^ Actinocarpus Damasonium H. Br. ORCHIDACEiE Orchis incarnata x maculata Epipactis media Fries E. violacea D. Dug. E. viridans Cranz. Cephalanthera ensifolia Rich. Gramine^ Spartina stricta Roth. S. Townsendi H ^ J. Groves. S. Alterni flora Loisel. Polypogon monspeliensis Desf. FiLICES Cystopteris fragilis Bemh. Polypodium Robertianum Hqffm. Equisetace^ Equisetum sylvaticum L. II. The Arun In tracing the boundaries of this district a start may be made at the Surrey border, and a line followed through Roughey Street across St. Leonards Forest, by Stone Lodge and Colegate to Pease Pottage Gate, thence south to Hand Cross, westward over Plummer's Plain to Monk's Gate, across country to the junction of the railways near Plumtree Cross, on to Bashurst and Ludwick, taking the main road to Billingshurst, then leaving it again and crossing the railway to the east of the station, on to Coneyhurst, Broadford Green, Chiltington, Thakeham, skirting Heath Common, through Washington, Highden, Findon, West Tarring and Heene to the sea, a little west of Worthing. This district includes the greater part of St. Leonards Forest, and stretches across the county in its widest part. It is drained by the Arun and a few tributary rivulets. and localities for all the species are given at length in my Flora of Sussex, and the same nomenclature of genera and species is here adopted. Since its publication a considerable number of additions have been made. 53