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INSECTS ODONATA The only portion of the Neuroptera to which any attention has been given is the Odonata, and they have only been collected casually, and chiefly by Mr. R. C. Bradley. It is true that W. Harcourt Bath collected here and wrote a Handbook to the British Dragonflies, but I think it is safer to ignore his work entirely. The following short list has been prepared for this work by Mr. Bradley. It must not be taken as complete, although I should not look for many more species in this county ; some however are found in the neighbouring counties which may well occur in this. The nomenclature and order is according to Lucas' British Dragon/lies. Sympetrum striolatum, Charp. Sutton Cold- Calopteryx virgo, L. Sutton (R. C. B.) field (R. C. B.) splendens, Harr. Stratford-on-Avon (A. H. Libellula depressa, L. Solihull (A. H. Martineau) Martineau), Sutton (C. J. W., A. D. Erythromma naias, Hansem. Sutton (R. C. B.) Imms) Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Sulz. Cordulegaster annulatus, Latr. Shirley (A. D. Ischnura elegans, Lind. Imms Agrion pulchellum, Lind. ,, QEschna juncea, L. Sutton (R. C. B.) puella, L. cyanea, Mtill. Enallagma cyathigerum, Charp. grandis, L. Sutton, Coleshill (R. C. B.) HYMENOPTERA Unfortunately this order has been little studied in Warwickshire, some sections not at all, and the small amount of work that has been done appears to have been confined to very limited areas. The follow- ing list therefore is far from complete, and from a perusal it is evident that many species are not recorded which undoubtedly must occur in the county but of which no records appear to exist. It would be well perhaps to point out that the records to which Rev. F. D. Morice's name is attached are taken from a list made at Rugby regardless of county boundaries, and possibly therefore some may have actually occurred in Leicestershire. The systems of classification followed are as follows : Aculeata, Mr. E. Saunders, 1896 list; Chrysididas, Rev. F. D. Morice's Synopsis, Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, June, 1900 ; and the Sawflies are arranged according to Konow's views with synonyms in brackets which refer to Cameron's monograph. The localities given without a name attached are my own. HYMENOPTERA ACULEATA HETEROGYNA Lasius flavus, De Geer. Generally common Formica rufa, Linn. Sutton (Bradley), Hay in fields Wood, Knowle niger, Linn. Generally common fusca, Ltr. Generally common Plagiolepis flavidula, Rog. Edgbaston Botani- Lasius fuliginosus, Ltr. Sutton (Bradley), cat Gardens ; evidently imported Solihull Ponera contracta, Latr. Sutton (Bradley) umbratus. Harborne (Harrison) Formicoxenus nitidulus, Nyl. Knowle (Ellis) I 73 10