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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE ANCHOMENINA (continued) Bembidium lampros var. velox, Er. Under stones and amongst herbage ; all seasons ; local and scarce. Stratford, Salford Priors (Blatch), Knowle, So/Hull nitidulum, Marsh. In shingle, moss, refuse, and under stones and bark; occurs everywhere, often in profu- sion affine, Steph. In gravel pits, stone quarries, and mud banks of rivers and pools ; all seasons ; rather scarce. Sutton Part, Salford Priori - quadriguttatum, F. Under refuse, bark, moss, etc. ; at all times and in all places - quadrimaculatum, Gyll. In moss, hedge refuse, under bark, etc. ; abun- dant everywhere femoratum, Sturm. Under stones, and on margins of pools and streams ; all seasons ; local. Sutton Park - bruxellense, Wesm. In shingle and refuse on banks of rivers and ponds ; all seasons ; local. Sutton Park littorale, Ol. In moss, shingle, hedge refuse, hotbeds, etc. ; abundant everywhere bipunctatum, L. Amongst shingle re- fuse on banks of rivers and ponds ; all seasons ; local. Sutton Park flammulatum, Clairv. Banks of rivers and ponds ; abundant everywhere adustum, Schaum. Found in profusion on the river Severn by the late Mr. Blatch, who believed he also took a few specimens at Salford Priors in Warwickshire Tachypus flavipes, L. In hedge refuse, moss, grass tufts, and under stones ; all seasons ; Stratford -on- Avon (Blatch), Knowle TRECHINA Trechus discus, F. In banks of rivers ; under flood refuse and stones ; all seasons ; local. Salford Priors (Blatch) micros, Herbst. Found under similar conditions as the preceding. Small Heath (Blatch), Salford Priors minutus, F. In rubbish, hotbeds, moss, grass roots and hedge refuse ; abun- dant everywhere - minutus var. obtusus, Er. Under stones, refuse, and in moss ; all seasons. Sutton Park (Blatch), Knowle secalis, Payk. Margins of ponds and rivers, and under bark and chips in woods ; all seasons ; all localities Patrobus excavatus, Payk. Under stones ; in moss on mud banks ; all seasons ; all localities LEBIINA Lebia chlorocephala, Hoff. On broom, and in moss and under stones. Stratford- on-Avon (Bloom) Demetrias atricapillus, L. In hedge refuse, grass tufts and moss ; abundant everywhere Dromius linearis, Ol. In hedge refuse, grass tufts and moss ; all timesand all places agilis, F. Under bark ; all seasons ; throughout the county meridionalis, Dej. Habitat and distri- bution same as the preceding quadrimaculatus, L. Under bark ; all seasons ; abundant 86 quadrinotatus, Panz. Under bark, sedges and moss ; all localities quadrisignatus, Dej. Under bark of various trees ; rare in the midlands. Sutton Park ; also recorded from this locality by the late Mr. Blatch melanocephalus, Dej. In vegetable refuse, grass tufts and moss ; abund- ant everywhere Blechrus maurus, Sturm. Under stones, moss and refuse. Spring to autumn. Leamington (Blatch) Metabletus foveola, Gyll. In vegetable refuse, moss, dung, etc. ; all seasons and in all localities truncatellus, L. In grass tufts and vegetable refuse ; all seasons ; less abundant than the preceding obscuro-guttatus, Duft. In moss, refuse, etc. ; scarce. Salford Priors (Blatch), Knowle HALIPLIDJE Brychius elevatus, 1 Panz. In streams and ponds. Solihull (Blatch), Knowle Haliplus obliquus, 2 F. Local. Sutton Park (Blatch), Knowle confinis, Steph. Rare. Knowle flavicollis, Sturm. Rather local. Sal- ford Priors (Blatch), Knowle fulvus, F. Scarce. Sutton Park (Blatch), Knowle cinereus, Aubd. Rare. Knowle ruficollis, De G. Abundant in all localities fluviatilis, Aub. Rather local. Sal- ford Priors, Coleshill, Sutton Park (Blatch), Knowle striatus, Sharp. Local and rare. Knowle 1 All the water beetles are found throughout the year, although the majority are most active in early spring. 2 All the species of this genus are found in streams, ponds and ditches.