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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE 61. Theridion lineatum (Clerck) Warwick (J.H.B.) 62. Theridion tepidariorum, C. L. Koch. Whitchurch (J.H.B.) 59. Theridion bimaculatum (Linnaeus) Stratford-on-Avon (J.H.B.) Known also as T. carolinum, Blackwall. 60. Theridian pulchel/um, Walckenaer. Warwick (J.H.B.) DICTYNID^E The spiders belonging to this family possess three tarsal claws, and the eyes, eight in number, situated in two transverse rows, the laterals being in contact. The cribellum (or extra pair of spinning organs) and the calamistrum (a row of curving bristles on the protarsi of the fourth pair of legs) are present in all members of the family. They construct a tubular retreat with an outer sheet of webbing, which is covered with a flocculent silk made with the calamistrum from threads furnished by the cribellum. 63. Amaurobius fenestralis (Stroem) Stratford-on-Avon (J.H.B.) 64. Amaurobius ferox (Walckenaer) Whitchurch (J.H.B.) 65. Amaurobius similis (Blackwall) Whitchurch (J.H.B.) 68. Cthonius rayi t L. Koch. Loxley G- H - B 66. Dictyna arundinacea (Linnaeus) Stratford-on-Avon (J.H.B.) Known also as Ergatis benigna, Blackwall. 67. Dictyna uncinata, Westr. Warwick (J.H.B.) CHERNETES OPILIONES The harvestmen are spider-like creatures with eight long legs, the tarsi very long and flexible. Eyes simple, two in number, situated on each side of an eye eminence. Body not divided into two distinct regions by a narrow pedicle, as in spiders ; abdomen segmentate. 69. Platybunus corniger, Hermann. Stratford-on-Avon (J.H.B.) 70. Nemastoma lugubre (O. F. Muller) Whitchurch (J.H.B.) 71. Phalangium opilio, Linn. Whitchurch (J.H.B.) 170