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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE There is no record up to the present time of the occurrence of the natterjack toad in the county. 3. Great Crested Newt. Molge cristata, Linn. Common in stagnant water in ditches and pools. 4. Common Newt. Molge vulgaris. Linn. A common species which not only fre- quents stagnant water, but is often found in damp underground places, in abandoned quarries, and in heaps of earth or other similar places during the winter. 5. Palmated Newt. Molge palmata, Schneid. The palmated newt is local rather than rare in the county. It is very common on the oolitic hills of Gloucestershire and the near parts of Warwickshire, though comparatively rare in the alluvial or low-lying tracts of the county, the writer having only very occa- sionally seen it in the valley of the Avon. At present there is no record of its occurrence in the north of Warwickshire. 1 88