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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE and 23 villeins with a priest and 9 bordars is land for 3 ploughs. There are 2 villeins ; have 8 ploughs. There are 8 acres of and there is i furlong of oaks in length and - J - - J - r - L J ' u T - : - u 5 shillings. Alsi held meadow. It was worth 4 pounds, and after- wards 10 shillings ; now 3 pounds. Ulwin held it. IN STANLEI [STONELEIGH] HUNDRET Rainald holds of the earl in ULUESTONE* [ ] i virgate of land. There is land for half a plough. There is i villein. It is worth 5 shillings. Elmund held it. Outi holds of the earl 3 hides in QUATONE [Quat (in Shropshire)]. 2 There is land for 12 ploughs. In the demesne are 4, and 5 serfs ; and (there are) 19 villeins and 14 bor- dars with 10 ploughs. There is i acre of meadow. (There is) wood(land) 2 leagues long and I broad ; and a mill worth (de) 2 shil- lings. It was worth 6 pounds; now 100 shillings. The same Outi held it freely. Walter holds of the earl i hide in RAMES- LEGE [Romslcy (in Shropshire)]. 2 There is land for 7 ploughs. In the demesne is I, and 2 serfs ; and (there are) 7 villeins and 7 bordars with 3 ploughs. (There is) wood(land) I league long and half a league broad. It was worth 30 shillings ; now 40 shillings. Achi held it freely. Ralph holds of the earl 5 hides in RIGGE [Rudge (in Shropshire)]. 2 There is land for 7 ploughs. In the demesne is I, with i serf; and (there are) 3 villeins and 4 bordars with 2 ploughs. It was worth 60 shillings ; now 40 shillings. Edric held it freely of Earl Leofric (Lcurico). The same Ralph holds of the earl in SCIP- LEI [Shipley (in Shropshire)] a I hide. There 1 I do not like to follow Dugdale in identifying this place with Wolston (Ulvricetone) mentioned three entries further back, because (i) Wolston must, as mentioned in the previous note, almost certainly have been in'Meretone' Hundred ; (2) Uluestonc and Ulvricetone having both been held by Ailmund or Elmund T.R.E. and by Rainald as Domesday tenant under Earl Roger, would, had they been in one place, have been lumped to- gether as one estate, and would not have required two separate entries. I think it is some obscure little estate in the Leet or Hundred of ' Stanlei,' long ago merged in some more important place. 3 Eyton (Domesday Studies: An Analysis and Digest of the Staffordshire Survey, p. z) considers that at the time of Domesday these four Shrop- shire manors of Earl Roger were probably, as were three others certainly, in Staffordshire. Fifty years later they were undoubtedly in Shropshire, breadth. It is worth it freely T.R.E. XIII. THE LAND OF EARL HUGH 3 IN TREMELAU HUNDRET Earl Hugh holds I hide and 3 virgates of land in PILARDETUNE [Pillerton Priors], 4 and Waleran of him. There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is i with i serf; and (there are) 2 villeins and 2 bordars with i plough. It was worth 2O shillings ; now 30 shillings. Hugh the chamberlain (camerarius) B held it freely. fo. J39b XIIII. THE LAND OF EARL AUBREY 8 IN CoLESHELLE [CoLESHILL] HUNDRET Earl Aubrey (jflbericus) held of the king ETONE [Nuneaton]. Harding held it T.R.E. There is land for 26 ploughs. In the demesne are 3, and 3 serfs ; and (there are) 44 villeins and 6 coliberts and 10 bordars with 1 6 ploughs. There is a mill worth (de) 32 pence, and 20 acres of meadow. (There is) wood(land) 2 leagues long and i^ leagues broad. T.R.E. it was worth 8 pounds, and afterwards 3 pounds ; now 100 shillings. IN MERETONE [MARTON] HUNDRET The same (ipse) earl held CLIPTONE [Clif- ton upon Dunsmore]. Alwin the sheriff held it T.R.E. and he with his land was free. There are 5 hides. There is land for 1 6 ploughs. In the demesne are 2 ploughs ; and 12 villeins with a priest and 20 bordars have 7 ploughs. There are 2 mills worth (de) 1 1 shillings, and 8 acres of meadow. T.R.E. and afterwards, it was worth 40 shillings ; now 4 pounds. This land Alwin gave to the church of Coventry for (the repose of) his soul (pro ant- ma sua) T.R.E. Earl Aubrey took it away. 7 where they now remain, being all in the neigh- bourhood of Bridgenorth. Romsley and Shipley, as ' Hremesleage ' and ' Sciplea,' occur together in the will of Wulfric Spott, among the estates bequeathed to Burton Abbey. a Of Chester. Otherwise Over Pillerton or Little Pillerton.

  • He was chamberlain to Edward the Confessor.

See Introduction, p. 276. 7 This paragraph is written in the margin by the side of the description of ' Cliptone,' to which it relates (see Introduction, p. 296). 308