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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE IN HONESBERIE HuNDRET From T(urchil) Almar holds in ROTELEI [Ratley] 5 hides. There is land for 7 ploughs. In the demesne are 2, and 6 serfs ; and (there are) 1 8 villeins and 7 bordars with 7 ploughs. There are 24 acres of meadow. It was worth 3 pounds, and afterwards 4 pounds; now 100 shillings. Ordric held it freely T.R.E. From T(urchil) Almar holds in CONTONE [Fenny Compton] l 2 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne are i ploughs and 4 serfs ; and (there are) 6 vil- leins and 2 bordars with i J ploughs. There are 1 6 acres of meadow. It was worth 20 shillings ; now 40 shillings. From T(urchil) Roger holds in the same vill 3 hides and I virgate of land. There is land for 6 ploughs. In the demesne are 2 with I serf ; and (there are) 8 villeins and 4 bordars with 4 ploughs. There are 34 (acres) 2 of meadow. It was worth 40 shillings ; now 50 shillings. Ordric and Alwin and Ulsi held it freely T.R.E. Of the fee of T(urchil) the Count of Meulan (mellend) holds MOITONE [Myton]. 3 There are 2 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is I, and 2 serfs ; and (there are) 7 villeins and 7 bordars with 3 ploughs. There are 2 mills worth (de) 70 shil- lings, and 8 men paying 32 pence. It was worth 100 shillings, and afterwards 40 shil- lings ; now 6 pounds. Earl Edwin held it.* R. Halebold bought this estate. From T(urchil) Warin holds in WIMENE- STONE [Wormleighton] 6 3 hides. There is land for 8 ploughs. In the demesne are 4; and 1 5 villeins and 4 bordars and 2 Frenchmen 6 (franc'), between them all (inter omnes), have 7 ploughs. There are 36 acres of meadow. Of this estate 2 knights hold I hide and i virgate, and have 2 ploughs with 3 bordars. The whole was worth T.R.E. 4 pounds, and afterwards the same amount ; now i o pounds. Ordric and Ulwin and Ulvric held it freely. IN STANLEI [STONELEIGH] HUNDRET From T(urchil) Tonne holds in BERICOTE ' 2 hides. There is land for 3 ploughs. In the demesne is I, and 2 serfs ; and (there are) 4 villeins and 3 bordars with 2 ploughs. There is a mill worth (de) 4 shillings, and 6 acres of meadow. It was worth 20 shil- lings ; now 40 shillings. Alwin the father of T(urchU) held it. From T(urchil) the church of S. Mary of Warwic(k) holds i hide in MOITONE [My ton]. 8 There is land for i plough. There are 3 bordars with i plough and I bondwoman. There are 4 acres of meadow. It was worth 5 shillings ; now 10 shillings. Earl Edwin held it. From T(urchil) Algar holds i hides. 9 There is land for 3 ploughs. In the de- mesne are 2 ploughs and 6 serfs ; and (there are) 4 villeins and 4 bordars with I plough. There are 12 acres of meadow. It was worth 30 shillings ; now 40 shillings. Alvric held it freely. 1 See note on p. 311. This, like ' Rotelei,' is in ' Honesberie ' Hundred. 2 This word is omitted in the text. 3 See note on p. 31 o. It was in ' Stanlei ' Hun- dred. This entry is suspiciously like the previous one, in which the Count of Meulan appears as holding Muitone 2 hides (as here), with I plough and 2 serfs in demesne (as here), and 3 ploughs out of demesne (as here), and 2 mills worth 70 shillings (as here), and a value of 6 pounds (as here), but in several respects differing from the particulars here recorded. However, it is against the one entry being a repetition of the other that the total hidage recorded in the three entries amounts to 5 hides. fThe differences appear to be too great for duplicate entries. Compare Introduction, p. 296. -J.H.R.) 4 It will be remembered that the former entry relating to Myton states that the z-hide estate in it had been held T.R.E. by Earl Algar. This and the ubsequent entry speak of its tenure by Algar's son Earl Edwin. IN TREMELAU HUNDRET From T(urchil) Ermenfrid holds i hide in FULREI [Fulready] and another in ETENDONE [Eatington], There is land for i plough. It is in the demesne, with i bordar. It was worth 10 shillings; now 25 shillings. Almar held it freely T.R.E. From T(urchil) Alwin holds in CONTONE [Compton Murdak] 10 3 hides. There is land for 6 ploughs. In the demesne are 2, and 4 serfs ; and (there are) 9 villeins and 10 bor- 6 This brings us back (for one entry only) to ' Honesberie ' Hundred. 6 This rendering is probable, but not certain. 7 Now only represented by Bericote Wood in Ashow. 8 See the last note but two. 9 The place is not mentioned. Now Compton Verney. See note on p. 311. 324