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INSECTS Plemyriarivata, Hb. The Slads (W.H.Edwards) — sociata, Bkh. Common — galiata, Hb. Common (E. & T. p. 31) Hydriomena (Melanthia) ocellata, L. Middle- yards, May 14, 29, 1895 ; Foregate Street, July 10, 1895 ; Trench Woods, June II, 1896 ; Wyre Forest, June 6, 7, 1896 ; Moni Wood — (Thera)variata, SchifF. Westivood, May 14., 1896; common (E. & T. p. 31); Ockeridge and Trench Woods (W. H. Edwards) — (Cidaria) fulvata, Forst. Common — dotata, L. Middleyards, July 9, 1895 ; Boughton, Monk Wood {W. H. Edwards) — miata, L. Lench, May 7, 1895 ; Boughton, and at ' light,' St. John's{W. H. Edwards) — (Cidaria) siterata, Hufn. Very common (E. & T. p. 32) ; Boughton (W. H. Edwards) — ■ (Hypsipetes) sordidata, F. Common — trifasciata, Bkh. Pupae, Laughern Brook, 1898 ; Wyre Forest, June 18, 1899 — (Cidaria) truncata, Hufn. Common — silaceata. Bredon,]xne iS,i^<)C); Middle- yards (Fletcher) ; Ockeridge (J. Peed) — corylata, Thnb. Generally distributed — suffumata, Hb. Monk Wood, June 20, 1895 ; generally distributed ; Laughern Brook (J. Peed) — dubitata, L. (Rev. E. C. Dobr^e Fox) ; Boughton and Bramford (W. H. Edwards) ; Grimley (G. D. Hancock) — (Anticlea) badiata, Hb. Bransford, April 4, 1895, March 19, 1896 ; Ferry Wood, April 19, 1895 ; Trench Woods, April 3, 1896; Crown East and Monk Wood (W. H. Edwards) ; Ockeridge (J. Peed) — nigrofasciaria, Gz. Middleyards, May 14, 1895, May 9, 13, 1896 ; Crown East, May 12, 1898 ; Abberley Hill, May 18, 1898 ; Wyre Forest (W. H. Edwards) — rubidata, F. Rather rare (E. & T. p. 31); Castle Morton, scarce (Rev. E. C. Dobr^e Fox) ; Laughern Bank and Wyre Forest (G. D. Hancock) — berberata, Schiff. Worcester (M. p. 2 1 6) — (Melanthia) albicillata, L. Ockeridge, May 30, 1896 ; Wyre Forest, June 26, 1897, June 13, 1898, June 19, 1899 ; Cro^vn East (W. H. Edwards) — unangulata, Hw. Common (E.&T. p. 31) — adaequata, Bkh. Worcester (M. p. 2l8) ; Wyre Forest, June, 1900 — (Emmelesia) alchemillata, L. Monk Wood, July II, 1895, July 16, 1898 ; Bredon, June 15, 1899; Wyre Forest, June 20, 25, 1899 — affinitata, Stph. The Denes, May 14, 1896 ; Wyre Forest, 1900 Hydriomena decolorata, Hb. The Denes, May 14, 1896 ; Knightwick, June 22, 1899 ; ff^yre Forest — albulata, SchifF. Powick Ham, June 4, 1895 ; fields, Malvern Link, June 8, 1899; ^f^yre Forest, Trench Woods, Boughton (W. H. Edwards) — (Melanthia) procellata, F. Bredon, July Ij^, 1895, July 29, 1898 — (Camptogramma) bilineata, L. Common — fluviata, Hb. Very rare (E. & T. p. 32); at ' light,' Oldhury (Fletcher) Operophtera (Cheimatobia) brumata, L. Common — boreata, Hb. Very common (E. & T. p. 29) Euchoeca (Asthena) luteata, SchifF. Croft Wood, June lO, 1895 ; Tiddesley, July 6, 1899 ; Bransford, Lord's Wood, Monk Wood, Wyre Forest — obliterata, Hufn. Monk Wood, May 30, 1896 ; Wyre Forest, June 17, 19, 1899 ; Stanklyn, June 23, 1899; Alfrick, June 22, 1899 ; Broadway, June 23, 1898 — sylvata, Hb. Tiddesley Wood, July 6, 1 899 ; Wyre Forest (Rev. E. C. Dobr^e Fox and W. H. Edwards) ; Shrawley Wood (Fletcher) — blomeri,Curt. Wood behind Cam p,'5r^(/»», June 15, 1899 ; Purlieu Lane (W. H. Edwards) Asthena candidata, SchifF. Common ■ — murinata, Sc. Monk Wood, May 23, 26, 1895 ; Ockeridge, Wyre Forest, Trench Woods, etc. — (Oporabia) dilutata, Bkh. Trench Woods, October 26, 1894 ; Nunnery Wood, Grimley, Bransford Xanthorhoe (Phibalapteryx) vittata, Bkh. Taken twice (W.E., E. & T. p. 32) — (Eubolia) cervinata, Schiflf. Larva on hollyhock (W.E., E. & T. p. 33) ; Trench Woods (W. H. Edwards) — (Eubolia) limitata, Sc. Common — plumbaria, F. Common — bipunctaria, SchifF. Bredon, June 15 1899 — (Larentia) multistrigaria, Hw. Malvern April 12, 1895, March 24, 1896 April I, 8, 1899 — didymata, L. Common — spadicearia, Bkh. Bransford, May 13 1896 ; Westwood, May 14, 1896 Monk Wood, etc. — ferrugata, L. Bransford, May 14, 29 1895, May 13, 1896 ; The Denes, May 14, 1896 ; Monk Wood, June 8.