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INSECTS Argyresthia goedartella, L. IVyre Forest — pygmxella, Hb. From sallow catkins, Middleyards — retinella, Z. ~| — conjugella, Z. I ^,^,,,,,„^,v, — ephippelia, s. — nitidella, F. J Zelleria hepariella, Stt. One at Middleyards (Fletcher) Swammerdamia combinella, Hb. Crown East (Fletcher) Roeslerstammia erxlebella, F. Worcestershire Fumea sepium, Spr. Worcester (M. p. 774) ; Old Hills (Fletcher) Solenobia inconspicuella, Stt. Lichen covered palings (Fletcher) — Douglasii, Stt. Worcester (M. p. 775) Ochsenheimeria bisontella, Z. Lathe Hill (Fletcher) — vacculella, F.R. Ronkswood (Fletcher) Scythropia crataegella, L. ^ Incurvaria pectinea, Hw. — muscalella, F. Worcestershire Lampronia luzella, Hb. — rubiella, Bjerk. J Trichophaga (Tinea) tapetiella, L. 34, Fore- gate Street, June, 1897 ; Museum, Vic- toria Institute, Worcester (W, H. Edwards) Tinea capitella, CI. Worcester — arcella, F. ^ tt/- ^ 1 ■ ■ II TTi. t Worcestershire — parasitella, Hb. ) — caprimulgella, H.S. Crown East (Fletcher) — fuscipunctella, Hw. "j — pellionella, L. r Worcestershire — lapella, Hb. J — semifulvella, Hw. Comer Lane (Fletcher) Nemophora swammerdammella, L. Bransford, May 9, 1896 ; Middleyards (Fletcher) — schwarziella, Z. Bransford, May 4, 1896 ; Oddingley (Fletcher) — metaxella, Hb. Middleyards (Fletcher) Adela fibulella, SchifF. Bransford, May 14, 189s ; TMerton (Fletcher) — crcesella, Sc. The Slads, June l6, 1898 ; Comer Lane (Fletcher) — degeerella, L. Monk Wood, May 26, 1895 ; Wyre Forest, June 6, 7, 1896, June 12, 1899 — viridella, Sc. Common Nemotois cupriacellus, Hb. Oddingley (Fletcher) IX. MICROPTERTGINA I. HEPIALIDiE Hepialus hectus, L. Perry Wood, June 19, 1895; Monk Wood, May 30, 1896; Crown East (W. H. Edwards) ; com- mon — lupulinus, L. Common Hepialus velleda, Hb. Farley Wood, June 21, 1900; Old Storridge (W. E.) ; local (E. & T. p. 8) — var.gallicus. Nunnery Wood {l.l>l.'ii.W. p. 140) — sylvinus, L. Perry Wood (I.N.H.W. p. 140); near Worcester and about Cow- leigh, August, not common (T.M.N.F.C. p. 178) ; rather rare (E. & T. p. 8) ; Trench Woods (W. H. Edwards) ; Castle Morton, not common (Rev. E. C. Dobree Fox) — humuli, L. Common 2. MICROPTERYGID^ Micropteryx sparmannella, Bosc. Worcestershire — purpurella, Hw. Trench Woods, April 1 9, 1899 — semipurpurella, Stph. Worcestershire Eriocephala aureatella, Sc. Eymore, May 15, 1863 (T.W.N.C. p. 79) The following somewhat local lepidoptera have been observed at the various places mentioned, Wyre Forest. — The Dark Green Fritillary [Argynnis aglaia), the Greasy Fritillary {Melitaa aurinia), the Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk {Hemaris homhyliformis), the White - barred Clearwing {Trochilium spheciforme). Yellow - belted Clearwing {T. asiliforme. Large Red-belted Clear- wing Cr. culiciforme), the Forester [Procris statices), the Least Black Arches {Roes- elia confusalis), the Clouded BufF {Dia- crisia russula), the Scarce Vapourer {Orgyia gonostigma), the Pale Eggar {Eriogaster cratagi), the Fox [E. rubi), the Kentish Glory {Endromis versicolora), the Emperor (Saturnia pavonia), the Lobster [Stauropus fagi), the Marbled Brown [Drymonia trimacula), the whole of the Polyplocidae with the exception of the Frosted Orange {Polyploca ridens), the Nut-tree Tussock {Colocasia coryli), the Miller {Acronycta leporina), the Coro- net {A. ligustri), the Reddish Arches {Hadena sublustris), the Birdswing [H. scabriuscula), the Large Nutmeg {H. sor- dida), the Dotted Rustic {Caradrina al- sines), the Light-feathered Rustic [Agrotis cinerea), the Barred Chestnut {A. dahlii), the Northern Drab {Monima opima), the Powdered Quaker {M. gracilis), the Blos- som Underwing {M. miniosa), the Orange Upperwing [Orthosia croceago), the Great Oak Beauty {Diastictis roboraria), the Barred Sallow {Orthosia aurago), the Brown Dart {Aporophyla lutulenta), the Silvery Arches {Melanchra tincta), the Pale Shin- ing Brown {M. advena), the Dog's Tooth