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INSECTS ana), the Gold Swift {Hepia/us hectus), the Powdered Quaker {Monima gracilis), the Blossom Underwing {M. mimosa), the Twin-spotted Quaker {M. viunda), the Lesser Snout {Hypena rostra/is), the Blotched Emerald {Euchloris pustulata), Hemimene sequana, Glyphipteryx ocula- tella. Tinea caprimulgella MiDDLEYARDs. — The Wood White {Leuco- phasia sinapis), the Pale Clouded Yellow {Colias hyale), the White-letter Hair- streak {Thecla w-alhum), the Large Green Silver- lined (Hylophila bicolor- ana), the Least Black Arches [Roeselia confusalis), the Festoon {Apoda limacodes), the Oak Hook-tip {Drepana hinaria), the Coronet {Acronycta ligustri), the Twin- spotted Quaker {Monima munda), the Double Kidney {Caradrina retusa), the White-spotted Pinion (C diffinis), the Lesser White-spotted Pinion (C. affinis), the Bordered Straw (C. umbra), the White- spotted Marbled {Erastria fasciana), the White-streak {Hypenodes albistrigalis), the Lesser Snout {Hypena rostralis), the Blotched Emerald {Euchloris pustulata), the Small Scallop {Eois emarginata), Hypochalcia ahenella. Thistle Ermine [MycLois crihrella). Pearl Veneer {Cram- bus pinellus), the Wainscot Veneer {Chilo phragmitellus), the Naked-winged {Ancylis derasana), Gelechia scotinella, Aplota pal- pella,Chrysoclista atra, Nemophora metaxella Park Wood. — The Purple Emperor {Apa- tura Iris), the White Letter {Triphana leucographa) CocKSHOT Hill Wood. — The Lunar Hornet {^geria crabroniformis) The Croft Wood.— The Clouded Yellow {Colias edusa), the White Admiral {Ly- menitis sibilla), the Marbled White {Melanargia galathea), the Small Blue {Chrysophanus minimus), the Cistus Forester {Procris geryon), the Narrow- bordered Five-spot Burnet {Zygana loni- cerw), the Miller {Acronycta leporina), the Little Thorn {Cepphis advenaria), the Silver Cloud (Pseudopanthera punctata), the Scallop Shell {Calocalpe undulata) Bow Wood. — The Marbled White {Melan- argia galathea) TiDDESLEY Wood. — The Lappet {Gastro- phaca quercifoUa), the Blotched Emerald {Euchloris pustulata), the Waved Carpet {Euchceca sylvata) Croome Perry Woods. — The Blotched Emerald {Euchloris pustulata) Bredon. — The Marbled White {Melanargia galathea), the Brown Argus {Chryso- phanus astrarche), the Lunar Hornet {/Egeria crabroniformis), the Cistus Forester {Procris geryon), the Scarce Footman {Lithosia complana), the Wood Tiger {Arctia plantaginis), the Four- spotted {Eustrotia luctuosa), the Golden Wave {Euchceca blomeri), the Lace Bor- der {Leptomeris ornata), the Chalk Carpet {Hydriomena procellata), the Small Waved Umber {Eucrymatoge vitalbata), the Chalk Carpet {Xanthorhoe bipunctaria), the Sweep {Baptria atrata), the Scarce Pearl {Psammotis hyalinalis), Wavy- barred Sable {Pyrausta nigrata) Great Farley Wood. — The Northern Swift {Hepialus velleda) The Lickey. — The Holly Blue {Lycana argiolus), the Wood Tiger {Arctia plan- taginis), the Emperor {Saturnia pavonia) The Berrow Hill, Martley. — The Duke of Burgundy Fritillary {Nemeobius lucina), the Chequered Skipper {Cyclopades pales- mon), the Swallowtail {Papilio machaon) Ankerdine Hill. — The Treble Brown Spot {Eois trigeminata), the Figure of Eighty {Palimpsestis octogesima) Broadway Hill. — The Little Blue {Chryso- phanus minimus), the Brown Argus (C astrarche) Malvern Hills. — The Camberwell Beauty {Vanessa antiopa), the Grayling {Satyrus semele), the Duke of Burgundy Fritillary {Nemeobius lucina), the Holly Blue {Ly- cana argiolus), the Bedstraw Hawk {Deilephila galii), the Five-spot Burnet {Zygana trifolii), the Wood Tiger {Arc- tia plantaginis), the Lunar Yellow Under- wing {Agrotis orbona), the Mottled Grey {Xanthorhoe multistrigaria) Blackmore Park. — The Maple Prominent {Odontosia cuculla) The Old Hills. — The Bedstraw Hawk {Deilephila galii), the Hornet Clearwing {/Egeria apiformis), Fumea sepium Madresfield. — The Crimson-speckled Foot- man ( Utethesia pulchella) Broad Heath. — The Emperor {Saturnia pavonia), the Small Grass Emerald {Nemoria viridata) PowiCK Ham. — The Forester {Procris statices) Cotheridge. — The White-letter Hair-streak {Thecla w-album), Chrysoclista Unneella Spetchley Park. — The Brindled Beauty {Biston hirtarius) Dine's Green and Oldbury Road. — The Pearl Veneer {Crambus pinellus), the Chequered Veneer (C falsellus), Exa- pate congelatella, Depressaria charophylli, Bucculatrix boyerella, Exaeretia alliseUa Old Storridge Common. — The Northern Swift {Hepialus velleda) 23