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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS HiLLE [Churchhill],* where he has 2 ploughs and a priest, and (there are) 3 villeins and 3 bordars with 3 ploughs. There are 3 serfs and a mill worth {de) 4 shillings, and 3 acres of meadow, and 2 'quarentenes' of wood{land), which is {et est) in (the King's) forest. It was worth 50 shillings ; now 40 shillings. Azor held it on the abovesaid terms {ut supradic- t[_um-]). The same Walter holds 3 hides at Brade- COTE [Bredicot], where he has i plough with 2 bordars and 2 serfs. There are 16 acres of meadow. (There are) 2 ' quarentenes ' of wood(land). It was worth 25 shillings ; now 20 shillings. Brictwold the priest held (it) and performed (such) service {deservivit) as the Bishop willed. The wood(land) is in (the King's) forest. Herlebald' holds I hide at PiRiAN [Pirie] ^ where he has 2 ploughs and 3 villeins and i bordar and 3 serfs, with i plough. There are 10 acres of meadow. The wood(land) is 2 furlongs long and i in width and is in (the King's) forest. It was worth 30 shillings ; now 20 shillings. Godric held (it) at the will of the Bishop. In the same Hundred this same church ^ holds OvREBERiE [Overbury] with Penedoc [Pendock]. There are 6 hides that (pay) geld. In (the) demesne are 3 ploughs, and (there are) 15 villeins and 7 bordars with 1 1 ploughs. There is a priest who has half a hide and i plough. There are 6 serfs, and 2 bondwomen, and 10 acres of meadow and wood(land) i league {lewd) long and i (league) wide. T.R.E. it was worth 6 pounds, and now (it is worth) the same. This same Church holds Seggesbarue [Sedgeberrow]. There are 4 hides that (pay) geld. In the demesne are 2 ploughs, and there 11 villeins and 4 bordars with 7 ploughs. There are a priest, who has half a hide, and 4 serfs, and i bondwoman, and 2 mills worth [de) 10 shillings and 8 acres of meadow. It was and is worth 3 pounds. Dodd' held (it), and it is assigned to {de) the support of the monks. Archbishop Ealdred {Eldredus) proved their right to it against {a) Brictic his son. This same Church holds Scepwestun [Shipston-on-Stour]. There are 2 hides ' Near Bredicot. ^ In St. Martin's, Worcester. ^ The Oswaldslow manors in the monks' hands begin here. that (pay) geld. In (the) demesne are 2 ploughs, and there are 15 villeins and 5 bordars with 6 ploughs. There are 4 serfs, and one bondwoman, and a mill worth [de) 10 shillings, and i6 acres of meadow. It was and is worth 50 shillings. This same Church holds Herferthun [Harvington] with Wiburgestoke. There are 3 hides that (pay) geld. In (the) demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 12 villeins and 3 bordars with 6 ploughs. There are 4 serfs, and 1 bondwoman, and a mill worth {de) 10 shillings, and 24 acres of meadow. It is and was worth 50 shillings. This same Church holds Grimanleh [Grim- ley]. There are 3 hides that (pay) geld. In (the) demesne are 3 ploughs and (there are) 12 villeins and 15 bordars with 15 ploughs. There are 6 serfs, and i bondwoman, and a mill without profit {sine censu) and half a fishery, which renders ' stiches ' of eels,* and 6 acres of meadow. The wood(land) is half a league {lewa) long and (the same) in width. It was and is worth 3 pounds. Robert the Despencer {dispensator) holds one of these 3 hides, which is called Cnihtewic [Knightwick], where he has i plough and 7 bordars, with 2 ploughs and 6 acres of meadow and wood(land) 2 furlongs long and i in width. It was and is worth 20 shillings. This hide rendered in the aforesaid manor sac and soc and all service due to the King {regis servitium) ; and it is assigned to {est de) the demesne support of the monks, but it was leased {prastita) to a certain Eadgyth {Ead- gida), a nun, who was to have it and to per- form the service {deserviret) so long as the brethren were willing and could dispense with it. On their number {congregatione) increasing, under king William {T.R.IV.),^ she restored it (to them), and she herself, who is still living, is witness to the fact {inde). This same Church holds Halhegan [Hal- low in Grimley] with Bradewesham [Broad- was]. There are 7 hides that (pay) geld. In

  • There were 25 eels in a'stich.' The

number of the stiches seems to be omitted in the MS. ^ With this interesting phrase should be compared a charter of St. Wulfstan (1089), in which he says : * Nam cum a me paulo plus- quam XIP™ inventi fuissent fratres usque ad quinquaginta a me ibi congregati sunt in eodem monasterio Dei mancipati servicio ' (Hale's Registrum Prioratus IVigorniensis, p. 84<2). 295