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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS The same William holds Hageleia [Hag- ley], and Roger (holds it) of him. Godric, a thegn of king Edward, held (it). There are 5^ hides. In (the) demesne is i plough, and (there are) a priest and 5 villeins and 10 bordars with 5 ploughs, and 8 ploughs more can be (employed) there. There are 2 serfs. The wood(land) is half a league long and 3 furlongs in width. It was worth 60 shillings T.R.E. ; now 50 shillings. The same William holds Dudelei [Dud- ley], and his castle is there. Earl Eadwine (Eduinus) held this manor. There is i hide. In (the) demesne is i plough, and (there are) 3 villeins and 10 bordars and one smith with I o ploughs. There are 2 serfs, and 2 ' lewe- des ' of wood(land). It was worth 4 pounds T.R.E. ; now 3 pounds. The same William holds Suineforde [Old Swinford], and Acard' (holds it) of him. Wulfwine {Vlwinus) held (it). There are 3 hides. In (the) demesne is i plough, and (there are) a priest and 5 villeins and ii bordars with 7 ploughs. There are 2 serfs, and a mill worth {de) 5 shillings. There is one ' lewede ' of underwood {silvulis)} It was worth 6 pounds T.R.E. ; now 3 pounds. The same William holds Pevemore [Ped- more], and Acard' (holds it) of him. Turgar held (it). There are 3 hides. In (the) de- mesne is I plough, and (there are) 3 villeins and a priest and 10 bordars and 3 cottars {cotman) with 5^ ploughs, and 3 more ploughs can be (employed) there. In Wirecestre [Worcester] there are (appurtenant) 2 mes- suages worth {masura de) 2 shillings, and (there is) one ' lew[ede] ' of underwood. It was worth 4 pounds T.R.E. ; now 50 shillings. The same William holds Cradelie [Crad- ley], and Payn (Paganus) holds it of him. Wigar held (it). There is i hide. In (the) demesne there is nothing.* There are 4 villeins and 11 bordars with 7 ploughs. It was worth 40 shillings ; now 24 shillings. The same William holds Belintones [Bel- lington (House)] in his castlery {castellarid). .^Ifric {E/ricus) and Holand held (it) as 2 manors. There are 5 hides. There is land for 5 ploughs.' It was and is waste. There ^ This is an exceptional word.

  • i.e. no plough-oxen.

' On this formula see p. 315 above, note 5. are 4 ' quarentenes ' of wood(land), but it is in the King's forest. The meadows of this manor are worth 4 pence. THE LAND OF WILLIAM FITZ CORBUCION* In Clent Hund[ret] XXIIII. William son of Corbucion holds of the King Witone in Wich [Witton in Droitwich]. Tuini, a thegn of king Edward, held it. There are 2 hides. In (the) de- mesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 18 bordars and a priest with i plough. There are 4 serfs and one bondwoman, and in Worcester (there is appurtenant) i burgess worth {de) 2 shillings, and (there are) 3 saltpans (which) render 60 ' mits ' (mittas) of salt ; and (he has) part of a saltpan worth 10 'mits' {mittis) of salt. There is half a ' lewede ' of wood. It was and is worth 3 pounds. THE LAND OF WILLIAM GOIZEN- BODED In Clent Hund[ret] XXV. William Goizenboded holds Cel- vestune [Chauson],^ and William (holds it) of him. Richard the young {juvenis) held it T.R.E.^ There is i hide, and there are 4 bordars with I plough. It was worth 10 shillings T.R.E. ; now 4 shillings. THE LAND OF URSE DE ABETOT In Dodintret Hund[ret] XXVL Urse holds CocHEHi [ ], and Herlebald' (holds it) of him. Godric, a free man, held it. There are 2^ hides that (pay) geld. In (the) demesne is one plough, and (there are) 2 bordars, and 2 ploughs more can be (employed) there. There (are) 2 serfs, and (he has) one burgess {burgensem), worth {de) 16 pence and 4 'mits' {mittas) of salt, and (there are) 3 furlongs in length of wood, and 2 furlongs in width.

  • Of Studley, Warwickshire.

^ Between Salwarpe and Droitwich. I have identified it through a I2th century survey (see p. 328-9 below). ^ William had similarly succeeded Richard in a manor in Gloucestershire, in which county lay his chief estate (fo. 167). 317