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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 4 ox- men (hovarii) and 2 bordars. There is a little {parva) wood(land). There is (appur- tenant) a saltpan worth [de) 40 pence. It was worth 50 shillings T.R.E. ; now 18 shillings. The same Urse holds Cochesie [Cooksey], and Herbrand and William (hold it) of him. .ffilfwine {Alwinus) and * Atilic ' held (it) as 2 manors. There are 2 hides. In (the) demesne is i plough, and (there are) 3 bordars and 2 Frenchmen [francigems) who have between them 4 ploughs, and i plough more can be (employed) there. This land is largely [ex multa parte) waste. The wood(land) is half a league [lewa) long and 3 furlongs in width. It was worth 45 shillings T.R.E. ; now 27 shillings. The same Urse holds Brotune [B rough- ton Hackett]. Countess Godgifu (Godeva) held (it). There are 2 hides. In (the) demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 5 villeins and 10 bordars and a church and a priest ; between (them) all they have 6 ploughs. There are 4 serfs. In (Droit)wich 5 (appurtenant) saltpans render 100 'mits* [mittas) of salt and 5 ounces (of silver). There are 3 ' lewedes ' of wood(land). It was worth 4 pounds T.R.E. ; now 4 pounds and 10 shillings. In the same Hund[ret] The same Urse holds i hide free [quietam) from geld and every due, and Robert holds (it) of him. There are 3 bordars who have nothing.^ It was and is worth 3 shillings. iElfric {Alurkus) held (it) T.R.E. The same Urse holds Uptune [Upton Warren],^ and Herlebald' (holds it) of him. ^thelwig {Alwinus) abbot of Evesham held ^ (it), and it ought, rightfully, to be in the Abbey('s possession) by the witness of the county (court). There are 3 hides. In (the) demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 7 vil- leins and 13 bordars and a priest with 5 ploughs. There are 4 serfs, and a mill worth {de) 4 shillings. In Wirecestre [Worcester] one burgess worth {de) 2 shillings (is appur- tenant). In (Droit)wich 3 saltpans render

  • i.e. no stock.
  • So named from Warin, who held it of

the Beauchamps. ^ It is among the manors asserted by the Evesham monks to have been seized by Odo on iEthelwig's death. 40 'mits' {mittas) of salt. The wood(land) is 3 furlongs long and 2 furlongs in width. It was worth 60 shillings ; now 50 shillings. The same Urse holds Witune [Witton] in (Droit)wich, and Gunfrei {Gunfridus) (holds it) of him. The church of Evesham held (it) T.R.E. There is half a hide. In (the) :demesne is i plough, and (there are) 2 serfs and 2 bordars, and 7 burgesses in (Droit)- wich, and i^ saltpans which render 30 pence. It was worth 20 shillings; now 15 shillings. This land was given to the said church of Evesham by a certain Wulfgeat {Vluiet), who placed (his) gift upon the altar when his son Mlfgt&t {Aluiet) was made a monk there. This was done in the fifth year of the reign of king Edward. Afterwards, abbot iEthel- wig {Mlwinusf leased {prastitit) this land to his uncle for life ; ^ and the latter died, sub- sequently, in Harold's battle {hellof against the Northmen, and the church received its land (back) before king William had come into England, and the said Abbot held it so long as he lived, and his successor also, abbot Walter, held it similarly for more than 7 years.* The same Urse holds Hantune [ ]. The abbot of Evesham held it T.R.E. There are 4 hides. Robert holds (it) of Urse. In (the) demesne is i plough, and (there are) 4 villeins and 6 bordars with 2 ploughs, and 2 ploughs more can be (employed) there. There are 2 serfs, and a mill worth {de) 30 shillings, and a saltpan which renders 3 ounces (of silver). It was worth 4 pounds T.R.E. ; now 50 shillings. The Abbot of the said church bought this manor from a certain thegn who could right- fully sell his land to whom he would, and gave it, when bought, to the Abbey {acclesits) by placing a copy of the gospels {unum textum) on the altar, by the witness of the county (court). THE LAND OF HUGH LASNE» In Came Hund[ret] XXVII. Hugh the ass {asinus) holds

  • This also is among the lands alleged to

have been seized by Odo on .^thelwig's death. Its case is discussed in the Introduction.

  • ' quamdiu ipse homo viveret.'

^ The battle of Stamford Bridge. ' i.e. 1066-1077. ^ This makes Urse's tenure very recent (see Introduction, p. 264). » i.e. L'Asne (the ass). 319