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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS The King holds Suchelie [Suckley]. Earl Eadwine {Edwinus) held (it). There are 5 hides. In (the) demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 22 villeins and 24 bordars with 27 ploughs. There are 10 other bordars (who are) poor, and a mill worth {de) 6 shillings, and a keeper of the bees, with 12 hives {vasculorum). The wood(land) has 5 leagues, reckoning {inter) length and width, and (there is) a fishery there. In Wirecestre [Worcester] there is appurtenant i burgess, but (he) renders nothing. There is a mill worth {de) 6 shillings. St. Mary holds the tithe(s) of this vill {villa) with I villein and half a virgate of land. ^ Earl Roger ^ gave to a cer- tain Richard half a virgate of land in entire freedom {soUda libertate). These 6 manors^ render at Hereford 50 pounds of rent {de firma) and 25 shillings for consideration {ge lersumma) [GLOWECESTRESCIRE] fo. 163b. In the same manor of Teodekesberie [Tewkesbury] used to belong 4 hides with- out (the) demesne^ which are in Hanlege

  • This must be the Abbey of Cormeilles

for Henry II. 's charter confirms to it the tithes and one {sic) virgate of land here.

  • Roger earl of Hereford, son of William

Fitz Osbern. ^ i.e. Hanley Castle, Forthampton, Bush- ley, Queenhill, Eldersfield, and Suckley.

  • It should be observed that this repre-

sented sixpence on the pound of the rent, exactly the same proportion as at Martley (p. 320 above).

  • This phrase {sine dominio), at first sight,

implies a contradiction. But I am inclined to explain it as meaning that the demesne ' hides ' were not liable to ' geld.' For the [Hanley (Castle)]. There, T.R.E., were in (the) demesne 2 ploughs, and of {inter) vil- leins and bordars (there were) 40, and of {inter) serfs and bondwomen 8, and a mill worth {de) 16 pence. (There is) wood(land) in which is a ' Hay.' ^ This land belonged to {fitit) earl William ;' it now is (annexed) to the King's ' ferm ' {firmam) of Hereford.* It was worth 15 pounds T.R.E. ; now 10 pounds. In FoRTELMENTONE [Forthampton] 9 hides belonged to this manor (of Tewkesbury). . . . These 2 estates {terras) were held by earl William and paid their geld in {propter) Tedekesberie [Tewkesbury].^ Forthampton entry, in the Herefordshire version, states that there were ' there 9 hides which were used to (pay) geld for 4 hides' (only). Indeed, Domesday specially mentions (fo. 163^) that, of the 95 hides in the Tew- kesbury group of manors, 45 were exempt from ' geld.' ^ See above, p. 288, note 8. ' William Fitz Osbern earl of Hereford, His ownership of Hanley (Castle) is not men- tioned in the survey of it given above (p. 321), but is confirmed hy the fact mentioned by Nash [I. 562] that ' the parsonage was an- ciently united to the abbey of Lyra in France, who made it over in fee farm to the prior and convent of Little Malvern.'

  • i.e. to the group of manors of which

Hereford was the head and which paid the Crown a joint 'ferm.' ^ This is the reason of their being entered together under Tewkesbury in the Glouces- tershire Survey, just as the Worcestershire manors, including Hanley, entered under Herefordshire, appear there because their rent had been annexed, by earl William, to that of Hereford, 323