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A HISTORY OF WORCESTERSHIRE Godwine, earl, 259, 267, 314a Goizenboded, William, 285^, Jiyi, note 329^ Gozelin the huntsman, 321a Grentmesnil, Grentemaisnil, Hugh de, 296^, note ii^b Grim, son of, 331^ Gunfrei [Gunfridus], 3 I %b, 3 19^, 329*;, notes 329a, 330^ Hacket family, note 328^ Hakon, earl, notes 3lo3, 312^ Harold, earl [i.e. king], 299<» Harold, king, 253, 261, 319^ Harold son of Cnut, note 289^ Harold [Herald] son of earl Ralf of Hereford, 268, 2851^, 3151^, note 330^ Harthacnut, king, note 289^ Heming, monk, 235, 236 Henry I, 237, 324, 324^, 325^, 325^, 326, note z()-jb Henry II, 240 Henry de Ferrers, 246 Henry Lovet, note 3 1 8^ Henry son of John de Troche- mertone, note 291a Herbert, 310^, 313^, 314a Herbert de Castello, note 309a Herbrand, 302*, 3i9ij Hereford, bishop of, 245, 261, 270, 273, 285, 289^, 299<7, 324a Hereford, bishop Walter of, 289(7, 299a, notes 289(7, 299(2 Hereford, Ralf earl of, 259, note 315^. See also Harold Hereford, Roger earl of [son of William Fitz Osbern], 323(7, note 32 2(7 Hereford, William Fitz Osbern earl of, 240, 241, 266, 271, 286(7, 299^, 3081J, 3i6i5, 320^, 321(7, 322(7, 3223, 323^, notes 2883, 293(7,299^,308^,315(7, 3203, 321(7, 322(7, 322^, 323^ Hereward, 29 3^ Herlebald', 29517, 317^, 318(7, 3183, 319/7 Herlebold, 3 1 8(» Herlwin, note 296^ Herman, 312(7, 322^ Hindelep. See Eadric Holand, 3I7<2 Hubert, 32 1(7 Hugh, 312(7, 3143 Hugh de Grentmesnil [Grente- maisnil], 296(7, note 325^ Hugh de Laci. See Laci Hugh Fitz Osbern, 32417, 329 Hugh Puher [Puiher]. See Puher Hugh the ass [Asinus], alias Hugh Lasne, 285*, 319^ Huntsman. See Norman Vena- tor ; Roger Hunuir, 318(7 Isnardus [Inardus, (?) Isnardus Parler], 330, 330/7 John bishop of Worcester, 246 John de Sudeley [Suthlega], 330^, 331 John, king, note 3 023 Keneward [Kineward the sheriff, Kinwardus] of Lawern, 267, 268, 271, 289/7, 2903, notes 289(7, 2963 Ketelbert, 30 13 La Vieille Lyre [Lire], monks of, 32 2(7 Laci, Hughde, 324(7, 324^, 326/7, 3263, 327 Laci, Roger de, 266, 268, 285^, 288/7, 2903, 2923, 296(7, 2973, 3oi(7, 3113, 312/2, 325/7, 327, notes 29617, 32 1/7, 324/7, 3243, 3253, 3263 Laci, Walter de, 321/7 and note Lanfranc, archbishop, 255 Lasne, Hugh [Hugh the ass], 2853, 3193 Lench, Randolf de, note 290(2 Leofgeat [Leuiet], 3 1 8(7 Leofnoth [Leuenot], 3 1 0(7, 31 63 Leofnoth [Leuenot] the priest, 302/7 Leofric, earl, 259, 267, note 2973, 309/7 Leofric [Leuric, Leuricus], 30o3, 301(7, 318(7 Leofric the radman, note 30 13 Leofric the reeve, 29417 Leofwig [Lewi], 3093 Leofwine [Lewinus], 250, 292/2 Leofwine [Li'] bishop of Lich- field, 3 1 6(7 and note Lincoln, Remigius bishop of, 246 Lithulf, 33 1/7 Loges, family of, note 314(7 Lovet, Henry, note 3 1 83 Lyfing [Livingus] bishop of Worcester, 280, 3213 Lyre. See La Vieille Malmesbury, William of, 258 Mapesone. See ./Elfric Marlborough. See Alvred Marmion, Robert, 3253, 327, notes 2963, 3253 Maud, empress, 263, 330 Mauger bishop of Worcester, note 29 1/7 Merleberg, Alvred de [lord of Ewias Harold], 304/7 and note Meulan, [Robert] count of, 3253 Montgomeri, Roger de, earl of Shrewsbury, 262, 264, 285/2, 3083, 3283, notes 3083, 3091J, 3283 334 Mortimer, Mortemer, Ralf or Ralph de, 266, 267, 2853, 3 1 1/7, 3ii3 Nicholas, 3241J Nicholas son to Isnardus Parler, 330 Nigel the physician, Nigel the leech, 264, 3083, 331, notes 2893, 329/7, 3303 Norman Venator, note 309/7 Northman, note zgii Ocea, a Dane, note 310/7 ' Odda dux.' See iEthelwine Odo, 2973, 3083 Odo, bishop, 253, 161, note 319/7 Offa, king, 255 Olwine, 309/7 Ordric, 2923, 2943, notes 3243, 325/7 Ordwig, note 308/7 Osbern d'Abitot, note 2<)zb Osbern, father to Hugh Fitz Osbern, note 324/2 Osbern ' fillus Escrob ' [i.e. son of Richard Scrob], 255 Osbern or Osbert Fitz Hugh, 3283, 329 Osbern Fitz Richard [Scrob] of Richard's Castle, 262, 264, 266, 273, 2853, 289/7, 294(7, 3123, 313(7, 3133, 314/7, notes 298/7, 3ii3, 3123, 3283 Oswald, bishop of Worcester [St. Oswald], 247, 250, 279 Osward, 300/7 Ouilly [Olgi], Robert d', 3123 and note Paganel, Fulk [Folwi], 3283 'Parler,' Robert [Robertus], 330, note 328(7. See also Isnardus Payn Fitz John, 33o3, 331 Payn [Paganus], 3 1 7/7 Paynel, family of, 262. See also Paganel Pershore, abbot of, 251,252,260, 3043, 306/7, 328(7, note 306(7 Peter, 3303 Peter ' Corbezun ' [de Stodley], 330/7, 331, note 3313 Peter the bovarius, 274 Philip filius Wiard, note 313/7 Picquigny [Pinchengi], Ansculf de, note 3 1 53. See also Ghilo ' Piria,' Godric de, 256 Pitres, Durand de [Durandus Vicecomes], 263 Poher, notes 3283, 3293 Ponther or Punher, Walter, 260, 288/7, 294/7, 2943, 295/7, 2973, 3003, 30i3, 303/7, 3053, 327, notes 324/7, 325/7, 3263, 327. See also Puher Ponz. See Drogo