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��30. The great Yogis describe food which begging brings as follows : it does not humi- liate (vide Verse No. 32) ; it is an independent pleasure ( i. e. not dependent on the pleasure of earning money or fulfilling social duty etc.); it is in all respects free from any anxious fear ( i. e. about one's expenditure, or food- stores etc. ) ; it destroys wicked pride, egotism and impatience ; it eradicates the manifold evils of worldly existence ; it is easily avail- able anywhere any day without efforts ; it is the beloved of the holy men ; it is a purifica- tion by itself; it is as the inexhaustible feed- ing-house of Shiva, access to which none can prevent.

��31. In enjoyment, there is the fear of disease ; in social position, the fear of falling- off ; in wealth, the fear of (hostile ) kings ; in honour, the fear of humiliation ; in power, the fear of foemen ; in beauty, the fear of" old age ;

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