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WHEN great men! fall out they send for Associated Press reporters and all the world knows about it the next morning ; but when the little fellows quarrel the news travels slowly and arrives late, bringing with it unquestionable proof of the large percentage of liars in the average community.

For instance, if Fighting Sammy Dugan had been a champion of the world and Whitey Wil son a challenger for the title, sharp-nosed re porters would have had the whole truth out of one of them at least; but Dugan and Wilson were not great men. They were only prelimi nary boxers of the sort known as pork-and- beaners, and that they should quarrel at all was something of a joke. When reporters are not sufficiently interested to be curious, first ex planations stand unchallenged, and because of this the theory of professional jealousy went unquestioned.

The report was correct as to the jealousy, but it was not of the professional variety. It was the real old green-eyed sort, which nothing but

the Eternal Triangle has ever been known to
