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THE young man upon whom Nature has bestowed barely enough forehead to keep his hair out of his eyes should shun high brow society and all forms of art. The game is hopelessly beyond him, the cards are ' ' stacked, ' ' and he loses even when he wins. In proof of this statement, we respectfully refer the reader to the following passages from the life of the eminent Mr. Joseph 'Malley.

O'Malley was not always eminent, but owed his rise in life to a jaw of chilled steel, a heart that knew fear only by reputation, two mallet- like fists, and the ability as well as the inclina tion to hit with them at any time and from any position. Many have claimed credit for dis covering this wonderful fighting machine, but it was the sporting editor of the " Daily Ava lanche" who set Joseph's youthful feet on the road to fame and fortune. The sporting editor did not realize it at the time, and therefore deserves none of the credit he has been claim ing; he merely thought he was playing an ex tremely rough practical joke on an unsuspecting

tramp fighter. Seeing that he still poses in print
