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MISS KITTY MAHONEY saw it first. It was in Sol Solomon's window on Upper Main Street

As the pearl brooch plays an important part in this story, it might be just as well to describe it. It was about the size of a silver half dol lar, and of the circular design known as a sun burst. From its center tiny pearls radiated in graceful curves, said center being marked and accentuated by a diamond almond as large as the head of a pin.

When Miss Mahoney 's eyes fell upon this gem of the jeweler's art it was reposing chastely upon a square of black velvet, flanked on one side by a rubber-handled revolver and upon the other by a collection of ancient coins. Beside the velvet was a card, upon which was written : "A Genuine Bargain!"

"Oh, see that pearl thing!" cried Miss Mahoney. "Don't you think it's elegant, Mr. Beaver? I always did love pearls."

Oscar Beaver squinted critically along his five-cent cigar, shifted his weight from one foot to the other, and replied heavily:
