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JOHN—'GRIZZLY'—'GAVIN, middle weight champion of all the world, and the most distinguished knocker-out of his gen eration, squirmed on a chair in the star dressing room of the Imperial Vaudeville Theater and tried to do two things at once, but with indif ferent success, for Nature had designed him on simple and elemental lines.

The champion was attempting to give an in terview to a representative of the press giving it as a cow gives milk, by having it wheedled out of her in driblets and at the same time he was endeavoring to make safe and cautious double-entry into a pair of purple silk tights quite an undertaking for a man unacquainted with high-browed reporters and unused to flesh ings of any sort.

Gavin did not wish to offend the interviewer, who was young enough to denounce himself as a "special writer" and seemed sensitive about it; neither did he wish to split the tights, which were new and dangerously thin, and the mighty intellect which had dragged John Gavin from

a machine shop to the very pinnacle of fame was
