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The Empire of Illusion

  1. chapterpage
  2. I He is Roweled of the Spur of Necessity1
  3. II He is "Chez Paz"10
  4. III He Decides that Beggars Should Ride18
  5. IV He Does Ride; and with his Fate26
  6. V He Engages both his Word and Sword33
  7. VI He Draws one Card43
  8. VII He Considers the Great Scheme53
  9. VIII He Comes upon the Red-headed One65
  10. IX He Demonstrates the Uses of Discipline69
  11. X He Takes Command82
  12. XI He Saves that which he Loves the Best94
  13. XII He Respects a Flag of Truce105
  14. XIII He Proves Himself Master of Men114
  15. XIV He Acts by the Code127
  16. XV He is Astonished137
  17. XVI He Races with Death151
  18. XVII He has Won the Race161
  19. XVIII He Finds Himself in Deep Waters170