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pass, was reined back suddenly. The driver leaned down from the box and in a thunderstruck tone advertised his stupefaction.

"It aren't in nature, sir—if yer'll pardon my mentionin' it. But 'ere I leaves you not ten minutes ago at the St. Luke Building and finds yer 'ere, when you 'aven't 'ad time——"

Maitland woke up. "What's that?" he questioned sharply. "You left me where ten minutes——?"

"St. Luke Buildin', corner Broadway an'——."

"I know it," excited, "but——"

"——'avin' took yer there with the young lady——"

"Young lady!"

"——that comes outer the 'ouse with yer, sir——"

"The devil!" Maitland hesitated no longer: his foot was on the step as he spoke. "Drive me there at once, and drive for all you're worth!" he cried. "If there's an ounce of speed in that plug of yours and you don't get it out——"