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"Poor, poor old chap!" he said brokenly. "How in Heaven——"

But at Bannerman's look the words died on his lips. The lawyer moved restlessly. "Don't pity me," he said in a low tone. "This is what I might have … expected, I suppose … man of Anisty's stamp … desperate character … it's all right, Dan, my just due. …"

"I don't understand, of course," faltered Maitland.

Bannerman lay still a moment, then continued: "I know you don't. That's why I sent for you. … 'Member that night at the Primordial? When the deuce was it? I … can't think straight long at a time. … That night I dined with you and touched you up about the jewels? We had a bully salad, you know, and I spoke about the Graeme affair. …"

"Yes, yes."

"Well … I've been up to that game for years. I'd find out where the plunder was, and