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If you'd only betray as much intelligence in managing your private affairs——"

Alan checked him. "What's that?" he demanded in a tone tense with apprehension. The rumbling of a marine motor drifted down on the wings of the sluggish winds.

"Don't ask me. I'm afraid to guess!"

"But they couldn't possibly——"

"Since when did you set up to be a judge of possibilities? Nothing probable ever happened to you 's far's I can make out. I know there are two life-saving stations on Nauset, both with modern equipment—motor lifeboats and all. Our business is to get out of here quick, and not advertise our exit, either. Take that port light in and dowse it, while I do the same by the starboard. Then duck below and put out the cabin lamp. Then, if this blackness holds, we may manage an invasion!"

There followed an exceedingly busy quarter of an hour. They were clever sailormen, used to all sorts of craft, and the end of that period found the schooner with sheets taut and canvas full to a good easterly breeze—the light on Monomoy Point watching them from over the starboard beam.

"Hear anything more of that power boat?" Alan asked, joining Barcus by the wheel.

"Nothing—wind too fresh."

"Better let me stand the first trick—what?"