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pairs of powerful hands. Barcus was rudely jerked to his feet and held captive by two more fishermen. A fifth had taken charge of Rose, clamping her wrists in the vise of one big hand. The sixth and sole other member of the boarding party was—Judith Trine.

Down the side a heavy lifeboat ground its way astern, the loose end of its painter slipping over the rail even as Alan caught sight of it. Observing this, one of the men in charge of Alan addressed Judith for leave to retrieve the boat.

"No—let it go. Hold that man fast till I fetch a rope. We'll make sure of them both this time!"

Straining forward, Rose implored her sister: 'Judith, in pity's name, think what you are doing!"

"Hold your tongue!" Judith snapped. "Another whimper, and I'll have you gagged. "Yes, I'll——"

The balance of her threat was drowned out by the sudden roar of a steamship fog-signal so close aboard that it seemed almost to emanate from the forepart of the schooner herself.

It was answered by cries of terror from a dozen throats and Alan found himself released as his captors sprang toward the taffrail. He caught a glimpse of the towering bows of a great steamer—sweeping swiftly toward them. Some one aboard the schooner bellowed a terrified appeal:

"Stop your engines! Shut off your propeller! Stop your——"