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sistance from Barcus, contrived to scramble in over the gunwales of a boat which proved to be the stolen lifeboat. Aside from Barcus and himself it held one other person only—the woman he loved, crumpled up and unconscious, in the bow. He strove to rise and go to her, but Barcus restrained and quieted him.

"There! Easy, I say! She's all right—fainted—that's all! She and I took the water in practically the same spot, and luck threw this blessed boat my way. No trouble at all."

"But the others—Judith! I left her out there—unconscious—she'll drown, I tell you!"

"And I'll tell you something!" said Mr. Barcus severely. "You'll lie quiet and shut up or I'll dent your dome with an oar. Let her drown—and a good job, I say ! Don't you know the meaning of 'enough?' Merciful heavens, man, you're the most insatiable glutton for punishment ever!"

But Alan wasn't listening. There was a horror in his heart.

Dead! Judith dead! Back there, in the fog and the cold … dead by his hand!