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II—A Sporting Offer

THAT same evening Mr. Alan Law issued forth from the Grand Central Station, hailed a taxi-cab, had himself conveyed to the Hotel Monolith, and registered as Arthur Lawrence.

But it was his true name that he gave to the person whom he called up on the telephone after being shown to his rooms. But then he was speaking to his old friend and man of business, Mr. Digby. Within another ten minutes this last was in conference with his employer.

"I think you must be out of your head," Digby insisted nervously, once their first greetings were over. "You in New York while Trine lives and knows you're this side of the water! It was dangerous enough before, when we had every reason to believe he was satisfied with having caused your father's death. But now——"

He fluttered his hands in a panicky gesture.

"Nonsense!" Alan laughed. "Remember this is New York, with a policeman on every corner!"

"Are you really so infatuated as to repose faith