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she opened a hand till then fast clenched and discovered a small blue bottle with a red label shrieking the warning "POISON!"

"Strychnine," she explained composedly, "in solution," and emptied the bottle into the glass.

A measure of courage returned to Rose. "Do you expect to be able to make me drink that?" she demanded.

"Not I—but Destiny, if it will! See here!" From a pocket of her dressing-gown Judith produced a sealed deck of playing cards. "Let these declare the will of Destiny toward us. I will break the seal, shuffle the cards, and deal," she explained, suiting action to the word. "The one who gets the Trey of Hearts will drain that glass. Is it a bargain?"

"Never! Oh, now I know that you are altogether mad!"

Whipping a small revolver from another pocket of her dressing-gown, Judith placed it on the table, ready to her hand.

"You will shoot me if I do not consent?"

"Not you, but him. If you refuse, little sister, I will shoot Alan Law dead when he comes to keep his appointment with you."

"Ah!" Rose cried in mingled fright and amazement, "how did you find out——"

"Never mind. Is it a bargain?"

With a shudder Rose bowed her head.