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Wright—and Marrophat broke in just at the critical moment and busted up the party?"

"Well?" she demanded.

Barcus produced a folded yellow paper from his coat-pocket and proffered it.

"Read that. It was handed to me as best man just before the ceremony. Seeing it was addressed to Alan, and knowing he was in no frame of mind to be bothered by telegrams, I slipped it into my pocket and forgot all about it temporarily. When I came to find it, I took the liberty of reading it. But read it for yourself."

The typewritten lines of the message blurred and ran together almost indecipherably in Judith's vision. None the less she contrived to grasp the substance of its meaning:

"Why didn't you wire me sooner? Marriage to Rose impossible. Rev. Mr. Wright informs me your marriage to Judith last week was completed before Marrophat interrupted. Judith legally your wife. Would have advised you sooner had you let me know where to address you. Hope to heaven this gets to you before too late."

The message was signed with the name of Alan's confidential man of business in New York. ...

When Judith looked up, she was alone in the room,