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The paths of whoredom pray at all times shun,
And from the company of harlots run,
For they like painted snakes appear in view,
To sting your precious souls and bodies too.

If by Providence you to riches do rise,
Why then be careful that you don't despise,
Your parents dear when they are in distress,
For those that do, the Lord will never bless.

How many thousands do the Day profane!
Some seeking after most ungodly gain;
Others in pleasure are passing the time away,
And quite neglect the duty of the Day.

Taverns and ale-houses they most frequent,
And there, alas! much precious time is spent,
The fields are full, the churches are but thin,
As if that Day were set apart for sin.

How can we think that God will ever bless,
Our native kingdom here with good success,
Or that he'll ever prosper us in this war,
That is begun and carried on so far.

O! may we now reform our lives with speed,
And be good Christians both in word and deed;
O! clean your hearts from all malice and strife,
And seek the paths of everlasting life.

If poverty with thee should pitch her tent,
Do you then learn therewith to be content,
For he who gives, from us can take away,
And can restore't to us another day.

So make your peace with God while time you have,
For there is no repentance in the grave;
Sound this alarm often in thine ear,
Shortly to judgement we must all appear.