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If the velocities and enclose the angle α, and

then lay off the line from point O into the direction of , and apply the line under the angle α. The resultant corresponds to the line . In the Lobachevskian triangle OAC the relation is given

If we denote herein

then we obtain after some simple transformations the general Einsteinian addition theorem for velocities. In the case , we have



That this addition is not commutative can be easily seen from the first figure of Sommerfeld that, however, we now have to interpret as a figure in the Lobachevskian plane. Additionally we have to put

In hyperbolic geometry the angle sum in any triangle is smaller than two right angles. Hence

thus OD does not coincide with the direction of OC. For the direction difference we find

It is also

If and are not in the xy-plane, but arbitrarily in space, then we obtain six terminal points, while above we only had points C and D.

In addition, I want to show by some examples, how Einstein's formulas of can be interpreted as real in the Lobachevskian geometry.

Equations (3) in § 5 of the mentioned paper of Einstein define (in respect to the stationary system S) the velocity components of a point uniformly moving in relation to S'. If , then

If we take , then the straight line upon which that point is moving, encloses the angle λ with the x-axis. However, if c remains finite and equal to the propagation velocity of light in empty space, then we find the direction coefficients of that straight line as:

If u is the hypotenuse and is an acute angle in the right angled Lobachevskian triangle, then is the second acute angle. It will be the smaller, the greater the translation velocity of S'. For v = c we have .

We define s as the extension of a stationary electron in the direction of the x-axis. If it is set into motion with velocity v in the same direction, then its contracted extension is

Upon the distance line y = u having the x-axis as its center line and u as its parameter, and beginning from its intersection point U with the ordinate axis, we measure the length UM = s. The abscissa of M is .

In the same way the dilation of a clock in uniform motion relative to a reference frame can be interpreted.

If we further put