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therefore, restrained by the condition of the light and the apparatus to a certain sized lamp. At Teignmouth, some of the revolving lights have ten lamps and reflectors, all throwing their light forward at once. But even with ten lamps and reflectors we do not get sufficient light, and we want, therefore, a means of getting a light more intense than a candle in the space of a candle—not merely an accumulation of candle upon candle, but a concentration into the space of a candle, of a greater amount of light, and it is here that the electric light comes to be of so much value.

Let me now show you what are the properties of that light which make it useful for lighthouse illumination, and which has been brought to a practical condition by the energy and constancy of Professor Holmes. I will first of all show you the image of the charcoal points on the screen, and draw your attention to the spot where the light is produced. There are the coal points. The two carbons are brought within a certain distance; the electricity is being urged across by the voltaic battery, and the coal points are brought into an intense state of ignition. You will observe that the