Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 2.djvu/272

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lives of the artists.

of Treviso,[1] and Niccolb Pizzolo,[2] of Padua, all disciples of his adoptive father and master. Mantegna was not more than seventeen years old when he painted the picture for the High Altar in the Church of Santa Sofia, in Padua, a work which might he taken for that of an old experienced master rather than that of a youth, and Squarcione, who was then commissioned to paint the Chapel of San Christofano (one of those in the Church of the “Eremite Brothers” of Sant’ Agostino, in Padua), gave this work to the above-named Niccolb Pizzolo and to Andrea. For his part, Niccolb painted a figure of Cod the Father enthroned in majesty between thes Doctors of the Church, and this part of the work was considered to be no less meritorious than that executed by Andrea. There is, indeed, no doubt that Niccolb, who produced very little, but all whose works are very good, would have been an excellent master had he delighted in painting as he did in martial exercises: in that case he might besides have lived much longer than he did; but having constantly arms in his hands, and making many enemies, he was one day attacked as he returned from his work and treacherously slain[3]]; Pie left no other production, that I am acquainted with, but a second figure of God the Father, which is in the Chapel of Urbano Prefetto.[4]

Andrea Mantegna was then left alone to complete the chapel, and he painted there the figures of the four Evangelists, which are considered very beautiful.[5] These and other works caused great expectations to be awakened respecting the future excellence of their author, and hopes

  1. See Lanzi, History of Painting, vol. ii. p. 116.
  2. According to some authorities, the most able of Mantegna’s competitors.
  3. The work of Pizzolo is behind the altar of the chapel, it is an Assumption of the Virgin, who is surrounded by numerous angels. Beneath are the apostles, and above is the figure of God the Father, also surrounded by angels. This painting has been engraved by Francesco Novelli, after the design of Luca Brida; it was intended for the Padova Pittrice, a work promised for many years by the late Abate Francesconi, but which never appeared.
  4. Of the Prefetto Urbano, the chapel of the city, or Urban Prefect, that is to say, a slight error of the copyist, for which the verbal critics of our author fall on him with little mercy.
  5. They are on the ceiling.