Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 2.djvu/514

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lives of the artists.

we now see completed to the utmost perfection. It is indeed a most beautiful and richly varied composition, and is executed by the genius of Antonio with infinite grace; the whole edifice is constructed of a stone which resembles that called travertine in the whiteish tint of its colour: it is situated at a short distance beyond the gate of San Biagio, on the right hand, nearly midway up the hill.[1] About the same time this architect commenced a palace in the fortress of Monte Sansovino[2] for Antonio di Monte, Cardinal of Santa Praxida; he also constructed another for the same prelate, in Montepulciano, a work designed and completed with admirable grace.[3]

In Florence Antonio erected a range of houses for the Servite monks, on the Piazza of their monastery; the style of the building resembling that of the Loggia degl’ Innocenti. In Arezzo he prepared models for the aisles of the church of Our Lady of Tears; but this was a very ill-conducted work, because entirely destitute of harmony with the earlier portions of the edifice, and the arches of the upper part are not placed in due relation to the centre. Antonio likewise made a model for the church of the Madonna in Cortona; but I do not believe that this has ever been put into execution.[4] During the siege of Florence, this master was employed on the bastions and fortifications within the city, when his nephew Francesco was appointed to act as his assistant.

The Giant of the Piazza,[5] which had been executed by the hand of Michelagnolo, during the life-time of Giuliano, the brother of Antonio, being fixed in its place, the rulers resolved that the other,[6] made by Baccio Bandinelli, should be

  1. he beautiful church of San Biagio at Montepulciano, is a Greek cross with a cupola and two campanili, or bell-towers, one of which remains unfinished. On the piazza of the little town there is another work by Antonio the Canonicate namely, with a double Loggia.
  2. The palace of the Cardinal of Santa Praxida (Cardinal del IMonte, afterwards Pope Julius III.), is now used for the transaction of business connected with the Law Courts. The elegant Loggia, standing opposite to this building, is also a work of Antonio.
  3. That opposite to the cathedral.
  4. It was certainly not put in execution, since this church, called the ^‘Madonna del Calcinajo” was constructed after the design of Francesco di Georgio. —For the life of this architect, see ante, p. 122, et seq.
  5. The colossal statue of David namely.
  6. The group of Hercules and Cacus.