Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 3.djvu/243

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andrea del sarto.

andrew. sartio
admirabilis. ingenii. pictori
ac. veteribus. illis
omnium. iudicio. comparando
dominicus. contes. discipulus.
pro. laboribus. in. se. instituendo. susceptis
grato. animo. posuit
vixit. ann. xlii.[1] ob. ann. mdxxx.

But no long time after the erection of this monument, certain of the citizens who were superintendents of works in that church, acting in ignorance rather than as being the enemies of great names or honoured memories, and being displeased that the tablet had been erected without their permission, proceeded in such sort that it was removed from its position, nor has it as yet been put up in any other place.[2] And herein it may be that fortune designed to teach us that the influences of the fates are powerful, not only over our lives, but even on our memory after death. The works and the name of Andrea shall nevertheless long continue to live, in despite of them; nay, these my writings shall, as I hope, preserve the remembrance of them through many centuries.

We conclude, then, with the opinion, that if Andrea displayed no great elevation of mind in the actions of his life, and contented himself with little, yet, it is not to be denied, that he manifested considerable elevation of genius in his art, or that he gave proof of infinite promptitude and ability in every kind of labour connected therewith; nor will any refuse to admit, that his works form a rich ornament to every place wherein they are found; nay, more, it is most certain that he conferred great benefits on his contemporaries

  1. This is believed on good grounds to be an error: see page 231, note †. It should, without doubt, be fifty-two.— Ed. Flor. 1832 -8.
  2. In the year 1606, a prior of the Servites caused a new monument to be erected to the memory of Andrea in the cloister of their monastery, between two of his own frescoes, those representing events from the life of St. Philip namely; a bust in marble was executed for this purpose by Giovanni Caccini, and an inscription was prepared, which is as follows:— Andreae Sartio Florentino pictori celeberrimo, qui cum hoc vestibulum pictura tantum non loquente decorasset, ac reliquis hujus venerabilis templi ornamenta eximia artis suae ornamenta adjunxisset, in Deiparam virginem religiose affectus, in eo recondi voluit Frater Laurentius hujus coenobii praefectus, hoc virtutis, illius et sui patrumque grati animi monumentum.p. mdcvi. —Förster.