Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 3.djvu/332

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lives of the artists.

deserved to be admired, seeing that he was without doubt most truly excellent.[1]


[Born towards the end of the 15th century, and died within the first half of the 16th century.]

There is no doubt that the emulation to which artists are impelled by their desire for glory is for the most part to be highly extolled, but whenever it happens that he who thus strives for distinction is too much inflated by vanity and pride, the ability of which he has sought to obtain the reputation is usually seen to resolve itself, after a certain lapse of time, into mere smoke and mist. Never will that artist advance to perfection who cannot perceive his own defects, and who has no fear of flnding himself surpassed by the works of others; much more safely does the hope of the modest and timid student conduct him towards his object, while, earnestly pursuing an upright walk in life, he does due honour to the works of good masters and labours with all diligence to imitate their productions,—much more certainly, I say, does the hope of such a student conduct him to the end in view, than does that of one who has his head full of

    epitaph, which Bottari censures, as wanting the true name, and neglecting to add the age and date of the master’s death; he furthermore reproves the writer for his irreligion;—

    d. m.
    Tum inventione ac dispositione,
    Tum varia morum expressione,
    Tola Iialia Galliaque celeberrimo,
    Qui dum poenam talionis effugere vellet
    Veneno laqueum rependens,
    Tam magno animo quam facinore,
    In Gallia miserrime periit.
    Virtus, et desperatio Florentiae

    hoc monumentum erexere.

  1. The edition of Vasari above cited, mentions a cartoon executed by Rosso for the Chapter to which he belonged as canon, but we have not been able to obtain further information respecting it.