Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 3.djvu/391

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jacopo palma.

in the Cathedral of Forli, where the picture of the high altar is executed by his hand.[1] The subject is Christ administering the Last Supper to his Apostles; and the work is executed with great care and success. In the lunette above this picture is a figure of the Dead Christ; and in the predella beneath are stories in small figures, representing events from the life of Sant’ Elena, the mother of the Emperor Constantine, and showing her when she is discovering the Cross; these also are very carefully executed. In the same church there is a picture by Eondinello, with the single figure of San Sebastiano; this is likewise a very fine work.

For the altar of Santa Maria Maddalena, in the cathedral of Ravenna, this master[2] painted a picture in oil, wherein he portrayed the figure of that Saint only; but in the predella beneath he executed three stories, the small figures of which are very gracefully depicted. In one of these is Our Saviour Christ vappearing to Mary Magdalene, in the form of the gardener; another shows St. Peter leaving the ship, and walking upon the waves of the sea; and between them is the Baptism of Jesus Christ. All these representations are executed in an exceedingly beautiful manner. Rondinello likewise painted two pictures in the church of San Giovanni Evangelista, in the same city. One of these portrays the Consecration of that Church by San Giovanni, and the other exhibits three martyrs, San Cancio, San Canciano, and Santa Cancianilla, all very beautiful figures. For the church of Sant’ Apollinare, also in Ravenna, this master painted two pictures, each containing a single figure, San Giovanni Battista, and San Sebastiano namely, both highly extolled. There is a picture by the hand of Rondinello in the church of the Spirito Santo likewise; the subject, Our Lady between San Jeronimo and the Virgin Martyr Santa Caterina. In San Francesco, Rondineilo painted two pictures, in one of which is Santa Caterina and San Francesco; while in the other our artist depicted the Madonna, accompanied by many figures, as well as by the Apostle St. James and by San Francesco.

  1. Scannelli affirms that this is a work of Marco Palmagiani.
  2. For more minute details respecting Niccolo Rondinello, see Nanni, Guida di Ravenna. —Rd, Flor., 1832-8.