Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 3.djvu/437

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francesco monsignori.

which belongs to the Monks of Monte Oliveto, and is a place whereunto there resort vast crowds of people, drawn thither by a figure of the Madonna, which performs a good number of miracles in that place. Francesco was the most intimate friend of, and as it were a brother to, the painter and miniaturist Girolamo dai Libri,[1] wherefore they undertook to execute in company the folding doors for the organ in the church of Santa Maria-in-Organo, which belongs to the Monks of Monte Oliveto, and on the exterior of one of thern^ Francesco painted figures of San Benedetto clothed in white vestments, and San Giovanni Evangelista, while he placed the Prophets Daniel and Isaiah, with two angels, in the air above on the inner side of the same: the ground beneath is wholly occupied by landscapes of exquisite beauty. He afterwards painted the tympan over the altar of the Muletta,[2] depicting thereon a figure of San Piero with that of San Giovanni, both about a braccio high, but executed so admirably, and finished with such care and delicacy, that they have the appearance of miniatures. The carvings for his work were prepared by Fra Giovanni of Verona, a master of intarsiatura and carving.

Two paintings in fresco were executed by Francesco on the wall of the choir in the same church. They represent the Saviour when he enters Jerusalem riding on an ass, and when he is praying in the Garden. In the latter there is a body of armed men; they are approaching in the distance, guided by Judas, to take Christ prisoner.[3] But more beautiful than all the other works of Francesco is the sacristy of this church, the ceiling of which is entirely covered with paintings, all by his hand; the figure of St. Anthony flagellated by Demons excepted, which is said to be by his father Domenico. In this sacristy then, Francesco, besides the Saviour and the fore-shortened angels of the ceiling, painted figures of the Pontiffs ranged in pairs in the lunettes, every niche containing two Popes clothed in their pontifical vest-

  1. Of whom there is further mention hereafter.
  2. This painting has been removed from the altar, and its place has been taken by other pictures.— Bottari,
  3. The works now pointed out in the Church of Santa Maria-in-Organo as those of Francesco Maroni, are the Madonna with Saints in the fourth chapel. Stories from the Old Testament in the middle aisle, and the figures of the Apostles and Evangelists between the arches.