Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 4.djvu/136

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lives of the artists.

is seen the Angel placing a part of the Host, consecrated by the priest, in the month of the above-named St. Catherine; •in another is Jesus Christ in the act of espousing the same Saint; near this is St. Catherine receiving the religious habit from San Domenico, with other stories from the life of the same Santa Caterina.[1]

In the church of San Martino, Domenico Beccafumi painted a large picture, the subject of which is the Birth of Christ, with the Virgin Mother, St. Joseph, and the Shepherds, who are all in the act of adoring the Divine Child. Over the cabin or hut, wherein is the manger, there hovers a choir of Angels, which are most beautiful.[2] In this work, which is much commended by artists, Domenico began to make it obvious to all who understood the subject, that his works were executed on much more solid principles than could be found in those of Giovan-Antonio. He afterwards painted the Visitation of Our Lady to Sant’ Elizabetta, and this fresco, which Domenico painted in the Great Hospital, is in a very pleasing manner, and entirely true to the life.[3] There is also a picture by this artist in the church of Santo Spirito; it represents Our Lady with the Divine Child in her arms; the latter espousing the above-named Santa Caterina da Siena; at the two sides are San Bernardino, San Francesco, San Girolamo, and the virgin martyr Santa Caterina; in the foreground are San Pietro and San Paolo; they are standing on a marble staircase, and the colour of their vestments is reflected from the lustrous surface of the polished marble, in a manner which is truly artistic.[4] This work, executed with singular judgment, and showing admirable power of design, acquired much honour for the artist, as did likewise certain small figures on the Predella. These represent the following subjects: the Baptism of Our Saviour by St. John; a King, who causes the

  1. For minute details respecting the Virgin Martyr, St. Catherine, see Baillet, Vie des Saints. See also Sacred and Legendary Art, and the Legendario Romano, where a good epitome of St. Catherine’s life will be found.
  2. This picture is still in the Church of San Martino.
  3. The only work by San Domenico which is now to be found in the Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala.
  4. Still in Siena, but now in the Saracini Palace, where there is also an Annunciation by the same master.