Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 4.djvu/270

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lives of the artists.

the marble statues and stories in relief. Having arranged matters in this manner, therefore, they finally made their contract with Bandinelli, who, thus appeared no more about the Cardinal Salviati, but having withdrawn himself in time, the exiled nobles, no longer reminded of their suspicions in relation to him, concerned themselves about his movements no more.

After these things Baccio proceeded to make two models in wood, with the required statues and stories in wax. The basements of these models were solid and without ressaults, and on each base he raised four fluted columns of the Ionic Order, these columns dividing the space into three compartments, a larger one in the centre namely, with a smaller on each side, in the central compartment of each tomb was then jilaced the seated figure of a Pontiff in papal robes, and in each of the spaces at the sides was a figure four braccia high, standing upright; these figures represent saints, and stood one on each side of the two popes.

The form presented by the whole composition was that of a triumphal arch; and above the columns supporting the cornice was a mezzo-rilievo in marble, four braccia high by four and a half broad, presenting the story of Pope Leo, holding conference with King Francis in Bologna, and this was placed above the statue of Pope Leo, on each side of which stood the figures of San Pietro and San Paolo, placed within the niches or spaces above-mentioned. Together with the conference of Leo and Francis were also two other historical representations, the one above San Pietro, and showing that saint raising the dead to life; the other exhibiting St. Paul preaching to the people, and erected over the statue of that apostle. The central relief placed above the statue of Pope Clement, and which corresponded to that over the figure of Pope Leo, represented the first-mentioned Pontiff crowning the Emperor Charles at Bologna, and in the two smaller rilievi near it, are St. John the Baptist preaching in the Wilderness, and St. John the Evangelist restoring Drusiana from the dead. In the niches beneath are figures of the two saints above named, each four braccia high, standing one on each side of the seated statue of Pope Clement, as do St. Peter and St. Paul on each side of that of Pope Leo.

In this work Baccio displayed either too little religion