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III. ACCENT. ACCENTUATION OF COMPOUNDS. 93 the general rule; e. g. purú-naman- (AV.) 'many-named', siti-kakud- 'having a white hump', and siti-bhasad- 'having white buttocks' (TS. v. 6. 14¹). b. Bahuvrīhis beginning with dvi- and tri- generally accent the second member; e. g. dvi-pád- 'two-footed', dvi-dhára- 'forming two streams', tri-tántu- 'having three webs', tri-nábhi- 'having three naves', tri-vandhurá- 'three-seated' ¹. The only exceptions to this rule in the RV. are dví-savas- 'having twofold might', try-àmbaka- 'having three mothers' and try-àśir- ‘having three products of milk'. The later Samhitas accent dví- and tri- in new Bahuvrihis as often as not. In a few possessives beginning with other numerals the second member is accented on the last syllable, e. g. catur-aksá- 'four-eyed¹². c. Possessives beginning with the negative prefix a- an- almost invariably accent the final syllable irrespectively of the original accent of the second member (doubtless in order to distinguish them clearly from deter- minatives); e. g. a-dánt- 'toothless', a-phalá- 'unfruitful' (phála-), a-balá- ‘not possessing strength' (bála-). A very few accent the penultimate; a-bhrátr-3 (AV.) 'brotherless', a-víra- ‘childless', a-śésas- 'without offspring'. On the other hand a good many (though only a small proportion of the whole) accent the prefix (like determinatives), especially when the second member is a noun formed with the suffix -ti; e. g.+ å-gu- 'kineless', á-jñās- ‘kinless', á-dyu- 'not burning', án-api- 'kinless', á-prajas- (AV.) 'childless', d-mrtyu- 'deathless', á-hri- 'bold', á-kşiti- 'imperishable's. d. Possessives beginning with dus-6 ill' or su- 'well' regularly accent the second member, usually on the original syllable; e. g. dur-mánman- 'ill disposed', su-bhága- 'well endowed'. There is, however, a tendency to throw the accent forward on the final syllable; e. g. sv-anguri- 'fair-fingered' (angúri-), su-phalá- (AV.) 'fruitful', su-bandhú- (AV.) 'closely related'. On the other hand, the accent is in a few instances shifted from the final to the penultimate syllable, as su-víra- 'rich in heroes' (vīrá-), and su-gándhi- 'sweet-smelling' beside su- gandhi (from gandhá- 'smell') ⁹. 91. Determinatives as a rule accent the last member, and pre- vailingly on the final syllable. A. I. In the descriptive type, that is, those in which a substantive is described by an adjective or an appositional substantive (Karmadhāraya) and those in which a verbal noun is described by an adverbial word, the accent is on the final syllable; e. g. krsna-sakuná- (AV.) 'black bird', maha-dhaná- 'great spoil', ajñata-yakṣmá- unknown disease', yavayat-sakhá- 'a protecting friend', raja-yakṣmá- ('king') 'royal disease' ¹0, surya-svít- 'sun-bright'; pura-et- 'going before', prathama-já- ‘first-born', prātar-yúj-" early yoked', svayam-bhú- 'self-existent', dus-krt- 'acting wickedly', su-pra-túr-¹2 'victorious', a-gharin- (AV.) 'not anointing', a-cit- 'senseless', a-jarayú-¹3 'not aging', a-júr- 'unaging'. 10 1 But aştá-vandhura- 'having eight car- seats'. 2 Cp. WHITNEY 1300 C. 3 But in the RV. with the usual accen- tuation a-bhratý-. 4 For many other examples see WACKER- NAGEL 2¹, 114 note (p. 293). 5 The only possessive of this kind in which the second member ends in -ti and accents the final syllable seems to be a-gavyuti- 'pastureless'. 6 The only exception in the case of dus- is dur-ašir- 'ill-mixed'. 7 The RV. retains the original accent, su-phála-, su-bándhu-. For other examples see WACKERNAGEL 2¹, p. 294, bottom. 9 Op. cit. 2¹, p. 295 7, note. 10 Exceptions, when the first member is a noun, are all compounds formed with visva- ‘all', as visvá-mānuşa- every man', also madhyám-dina- 'midday', vrsá-kapi- 'male ape', in all of which the original accent of the first member is shifted. ¹¹ ádhri-gu- “irresistible' and sadhá-stha- 'standing together', are exceptions. 12 sv-a-vrj easy to acquire' is an ception. 13 But á-mavişnu- ‘immoveable'. ex-