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IV. Nominal Stem Formation. Primary Nominal Derivation. 109

reduplication; jogu- 'singing aloud' {gu- sound'), pra-neni- 'guiding constandy' ■{ni- 'lead'), yaviyudh- 'warlike' {yudh- 'fight'), vdmvan- 'desiring', a-susil- (AV.) 'barren' ('not bringing forth'), ddridra- (VS.) 'roving' {dra- 'run') is a transfer to the radical a-stems".

-a : action and agent. 115. A vast number of derivatives is formed with this suffix, before which the root is generally strengthened, but sometimes remains unchanged or is reduplicated. Those formed with Guna are more than twice as numerous as all the rest taken together. Medial a generally remains unchanged.

1. Examples of derivatives with Guna are the following action nouns: dy-a- m. 'course' (z- 'go') hdv-a- m. 'invocation' {hu- 'call'), tdr-a- m. 'crossing' {tr- 'cross'); ved-a- 'knowledge' {vid- 'know'), /Jj-a- 'enjoyment' {jus- 'enjoy'), sdrg-a- 'emission' {srj- 'send forth'); agent nouns : //az'-«'- m. 'boat' [plu- 'float'), megh-d- m. 'cloud' {mih- 'discharge water'), cod-d- 'instigator' {cud- 'incite'). With medial a grdbh-a- m. 'seizure' {grabh- 'seize'), srdm-a- m. 'weariness' {sram- 'be weary').

a. In several words thus formed the meaning varies according as the root is accented or the suffix, the word in the former case being nearly always an abstract substantive, m the latter regularly an adjective or an agent noun; thus ardh-a-ra.. 'side', ardh-a- 'half; is-a- m. 'speed', es-d- 'speeding'; c6d-a- m. 'goad', cod-d- m. 'instigator'; var-a- m. 'choice', var-d- m. ('chooser') 'suitor', sds-a- m. 'command', sas-d- m. 'commander', sok-a- m. 'glow', sok-d- (AV.) 'glowing'.

2. Vrddhi of final vowels and lengthening of a': action nouns are dav-d- (AV.) 'fire' {du- 'burn'), tar-d- (VS.) 'crossing' {if- 'cross'), bhag-d- 'share' {bhaj- 'divide'); agent nouns are nay-d- 'leader' {m- 'lead'), jar-d- 'lover', grabh-d- 'seizer'.

3. Several derivatives are formed from the weak form of the root, the suffix being accented^; thus priy-d- 'dear' {pri- 'please'), sruv-d- m. 'spoon' {sru- 'flow'), vr-d-^ m. 'troop' {vr- 'surround'), tur-d- 'rapid' {tf- 'cross'); yug-d-n. 'yoke', suc-d- 'bright', krs-d- 'lean' 5.

a. Several derivatives of this type, which occur almost exclusively at the end of compounds, are made from, various tense stems; e. g. -a-saj-a- 'stopping', -iud-d- (AV.) 'impelling', -pas-ya- 'seeing', -inv^d- 'urging', -fr-nd- 'bestowing', -indh-d- 'kindling', -bntv-d- (AV.) 'saying', -pib-a- (AV.) 'drinking', -^'-ayi- 'exciting' 6; y^-j-o- m. 'attainment' (aor. stem oi ji- 'conquer'), nesd- m. 'guidance' (aor. stem of ni- 'lead').

4. A considerable number of derivates are formed from the reduphcated root; thus cacar-d- 'movable', dadhrs-d- 'bold', vavr-a- m. 'hiding' {vr- 'cover), sisay-d- 'strengthening' (//- 'sharpen'), Hindth-a- 'perforation' {snath- 'pierce'). sasr-d- 'flowing' {Ysr-). They are more usually formed directly from the intensive stem or from stems analogously reduplicated; e. g. caksm-d- 'gracious' {ksam- 'forbear'), rerih-d- (AV.) 'continually licking' {rih- 'lick), -rorud-d- (AV.) 'shedding tears' {rud- 'weep'), vevij-d 'quick' {vij- 'dart'); cara-car-d 'far- extending', cala-cal-d- 'unsteady', fani-spad-d- (AV.) 'palpitating' {Yspand-), mari-mri-d- (AV.) 'groping' {mrs- 'feel'), mali-mluc-d- (AV.) 'moving about in

from gd- 'go'; sisu- m. 'child', if from su- 'grow'.

1 jdgat- 'going', living', is an old parti- ciple present of the reduplicated stem of gd- 'go'; Whitney, however, thinks (i 147 e) that it is made from the reduplicated form jaga- {= ja-gam-) with the root determina- tive -i.

2 In these words the suffix is almost in- variably accented ; kdm-a- 'desire' is accented

on the root as differentiated from kam-d- 'des- iring'; similarly sak-a- 'help' and sdk-d- 'help- ful'.

3 See Lindner p. 33.

4 According to Grassmann, f. vra-,

5 Some of the derivatives of this type are transitions from the root stems to the a-de- clension, especially at the end of compounds.

6 See below. Determinative Compounds, 272.